Well, the wedding also brought our Texas family out to celebrate!!!
Larry may have not been there in body but he was definitely there
in spirit and his blood ran thick over the weekend.
The beautiful woman in the green dress in the lower picture
is Lupita, the mother of my niece and nephews.
My brother had many loves but this woman always
held a special place in his heart and they remained
friends throughout his whole life.
For her to make the trip with her children meant a lot
to all of us!!!!
The beauty in the white dress is my wonderful niece, Thaisy.
She is such a mixture of both her parents.
When she was a baby we called her our
Mexican Coon-baby and this was meant in a loving way.
Daddy loved her so much and he is the one who gave her the name.
We were all coon-a** but to Daddy she was just the baby.
She is so soft spoken but so much like her daddy in the way
she loves to reminisce and talk about how much she loves.
the Little princess is none other than Thaisy's daughter,
Cass!!!! She spent a week with us last November, it was
our first time to be able to visit with her and in that
week I fell totally in love with this child. I regretted not
being in her life more.
Thaisy has done a wonderful job raising this child as a single parent.
It is so obvious just how close they are,
she doesn't look much like her mom but so is her
mother's daughter in her mannerisms and her
soft-spoken ways. Love ya, Cass!!!
Take a look at the handsome men with me in the top picture!!!
No, I was not flirting!!!!
The cutie on my left is my most handsome nephew,
I look at him and can definitely see Larry in him.
He too is quiet but his eyes say it all,
big brown eyes unlike our blue and green eyes,
oh, but they are ours, they say so much that his
mouth doesn't. I watched him a few times during the night
just taking all of the excitement in and I just know
how happy he was to be there.
Before leaving on Saturday, he asked if maybe we could plan
a family reunion....
yes, my dear, we will.
You see he has this beautiful son, Ethan who many of us have
never met and It is important to Yuri as well as us
that we get to meet him....
stay posted about family reunion!!!!!
The other cute guy is Thaisy's significant other, Ray.
Now Ray thinks we are all crazy but
he can't help himself to want to be around us.
He is so good to Thaisy and Cass.
Thank you Ray for getting the gang to our wedding.
Admit it, Ray,
you know you love me even though you believe I am cracked!!!!
Well, long winded today but just
couldn't let these feelings of family leave me
without mentioning just how important
it was to see this fine family my brother
made. Love to you all!!!!!