I don't want to break confidentiality here
when blogging until I get permission from
the family but just have to post how
angry, upset I am that another person I love
has been diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrigs' disease.
How can this be that one rare disease
will affect another person and family that I love?
The devil is in full force here.
Now I just have to put what I know of Gina B's story
aside and remember the beginning days when we
prayed for her to be the one that had the 10 good year
prognosis. Because now I wish that for this family.
I want this for this family.
The thing I do know about this family is this,
they will rally and give their loved one all he/she needs
to have what they need until they can no longer do it.
I hope they allow me to be a part of this with them
as they have been part of my growing up years and
hold the most special place in my heart.
Prayers please, prayers for good news when the family
meets with the ALS team next week.
My life is in perspective this morning.
No money or material possession can change what
is for this family. Life is meant to be enjoyed, loved.
You just never know when you or your family will
be affected by some dreaded news such as this.
Pettiness in life must be put aside.
Enjoying every day is a necessity no matter how much
you hurt and want to lie around, you must
make it a point to enjoy every day.
I have a new mind set, going to go to the gym today
and work out not just for myself but for those
who can no longer do this.
I am going to smile, smile, smile,
even though my heart is breaking today.
I am going to enjoy my little scraproom and my baby girl
who does little in the way I want her to.
Instead I am going to embrace our differences and be
thankful that I have such a beautiful and happy child.