
Sunday, June 30, 2013

well this put a smile on my face...

As great as the Grand Isle vacation was,
as wonderful as the company was,
it is good to be home as in any family/friend gathering
there is always some drama...
Today, I open an email from my dear friend Stacy 
who was one of our Island visitors
and this is awaiting me.
It began with a story about a glass of water
and how if you hold if for a few minutes or a few hours,
there is no problem with the 20 oz. glass of water.
But hold it for a whole day, a few days
and an ambulance may be needed.
Lay down, lay down, lay down your burdens with me.
Yep, that is one of those old church songs I love.
If you carrying some one else's burdens lay them
down at the foot of God and let them go...
here are a few instances that will help. 
1* Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue!
2* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
3* Drive carefully . . . It's not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker.
4* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
5* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
6* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.
7* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
8* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
9* You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.
10* A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
11* Have an awesome day, and know that someone has thought about you today.
It was me, your friend!
*Help save the earth . . . It's the only planet with chocolate !!!
Thanks my dear Stacy, not only for the email that was so needed 
today but for the friendship that you and I started many moons ago
and the promise we made to each other to work on 
making it stronger.
I love you big, big!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Last full day of Grand Isle Vay Kay

Figured I needed to make at least a small post today since
I have received a few messages and texts that they are having
blog withdrawals. Sometimes I think no one reads this anymore that I
probably need to hang up lilbitofmyworld,
then I miss a few days and many are contacting me saying they
are missing it. So I continue to blog.
We are going home tomorrow.
It gotten quiet here towards the end side of vaykay...
but I have to say this year has been the one most filled
with family and friends sharing our time together.
HOBL and I have been so proud of those who have visited,
feeling the love of friends and family.
Nothing like a good vacation open to all those you love
to show you how blessed you are.
I can't go into detail right here and now on the scariest morning 
of my life, the morning Bean had a croup attack and I honestly
was not sure whether we could save her.
Scariest moment of my life.
Yet, all is good in the world and if I thought
I could not love her, my children or her other ghilbeau family
any more, this episode happens and we are bonded tightly
once again by the love of one little girl.
My sisters and I have joked many many times
since Mommy died of the ways we have felt our Mommy's presence.
We never laughed so much as we did on sista weekend 
when sister Ronnie was telling us how Mom came to her
in a form of a crow... a crow? of all things, Veronica a crow?
I jokingly told them Mom had not come to me at all that BI*(%
but that night, holding my bean in my arms in a bathtub
with barely any clothing on, trying to get enough steam in her
lungs and lukewarm water on her skin for her fever,
I prayed, I prayed, I begged my Mommy to please, please, please,
don't let us loose our baby. It was the very first time that I 
felt her with me. The story with Bean could have had a 
disastrous ending and yet it is all good and we are
all basking once again in her love, reminded once again
just how fragile life really is.
More later as the beach is calling my name...

Friday, June 21, 2013


It is finally here!
My very favorite week out of the entire year,
our annual trip to Grand Isle!
My pals, Sue (below) and her fine hubby, Keith
are the proud owners of the Mona Lisa where we are staying.
It has become our favorite spot as it is right on the beach,
no car needed the whole week unless, of course,
the Sureway is on the agenda.
Visiting the Sureway is a must, love hanging out
at the only grocery store on the Island that is also the best
place for Island suveniers.
I swear, I could live in this small slice of heaven.
 So many of my memories are made in this place.
Childhood memories, grown up memories,
and last year, adding the Mona Lisa camp and Bean to
the mix has been spectacular.
 A few years ago, when the sand dollar was our spot
I remember one small detail that made me realize that 
Grand Isle had to become a family ritual.
HOBL and I were sitting outside having our morning coffee
together. gypsy was a teenager and had a few friends for the 
week as well as KD came for her first trip with us.
We sat on the porch, early morning as all the kiddies continued 
to sleep and he said to me,
"This is so relaxing, it's the one place I can come and
enjoy myself with no worries."
You see HOBL suffers from OCD, not the one we
all joke and say we have, the real form of OCD that
is not a joke. It is very hard for him to shut off his
brain but there in Grand Isle he can.
 So today, we make our way to our peaceful place.
Days are long, I can relax and retreat to my own spaces
and HOBL find his relaxation in cooking for the troops that
will come through the Mona Lisa this week.
So many old and dear friends as well as new ones
are coming to visit, later in the week, expecting the Besties
for a walk on the beach to catch up on happenings.
The most relaxing place on earth for me.
 I am coming Grand Isle,
As Bean would say....
To all my family and friends who we are expecting
at different times of the week,
can't wait to see you all! 
With much love, 
Peace out!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No Matter how old you get...

Gypsy Baby spent the day with her Mommy yesterday.
I know her reasons were not all for
"Momma, I miss you"
as her car was piled with dirty clothes.
Following the steps it takes to keep her name "gypsy"
she washes when she absolutely has nothing left to wear.
Or that is the way it seems when after four large loads,
she leaves with a batch still in the dryer.
She asked if she could leave it there to dry and she
would care for it once she comes back today.
This morning, i don't mind taking it out of the dryer
to neatly put into her basket. 
As I pull out the warmed clothing I spot this...
Her childhood "Woobie"
So many memories come back as this child went no where
without her woobie and the fact that here in her 
wash lays her best friend from childhood.
It makes me happy to see it there.
She is 23 and still has her comfort piece.
It took me a while to show her she could go through
a day without woobie.
I thought Kindergarten would be a good age as
when she had it, she had to also suck her fingers.
Yet, her kindergarten year was so hard for her I 
waited until first grade. Even when the time came,
to rid her of the woobie, I could not. I washed it well
with Dreft and much Downy so it maintained it's 
baby smell. then I placed it in the attic.
There is stayed until one day, while looking for 
something in the attic she spotted it and from there
it became hers once more. She was older, maybe
9 or 10 so didn't need to carry it all over anymore
but used it when she needed the comfort this woobie
brought her.
When she had her tonsils out at 16 years old,
This Woobie and he Mommy was what layed with her for
the first few days.
Made my heart so warm inside as the Woobie has more history 
to it than just being her security blanket, it was hand quilted by
Mommy and her friends at the Senior Citizens club.
 The finding of this in my dryer makes me feel so much better
about keeping my Mommy's pillow where she layed her head to
die. It is on my bed and believe will be there until the day I die.
I hold it at night often, when the nights are long and thoughts
of her keep coming to me. I can still smell her scent on it.
My sisters think its funny that I won't wash the pillow case because
it smell Momma. They think it's funny that is, until they take a 
big sniff of the pillow.
So I can have my pillow and gypsy baby can have her woobie as
there is no age limit to things that comfort us.
Made this day just a little bit better!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Katie's sharing...

This morning I awaken to my daily ritual.
I check my cell phone messages to see Kd and Bean are
home safely and I thank God for a safe return.
I sit with my cup of coffee and my pup, Jake at my
favorite end of the sofa.
I check my emails and read my post here from 
yesterday, look to see if anyone has left comments.
I then head to Facebook.
There this morning, I read a lengthy post from Kd
about Motherhood and all the changes that come
about, started because of a little bitty baby.
A life changing event that you cannot, for the life of you,
explain to anyone else how your life will change.
I focus on one paragraph that brings back a memory
based exactly on what this paragraph speaks of:

I want my daughter to know that every day decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming
children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom.

We were visiting my brother and his family in Carencro.
Gypsy baby was about a year still in a stroller and BB
was 5, old enough to walk in the mall while holding on to the stroller.
BB decides he has to use the bathroom and we rush
to the nearest bathroom which happens to be in the
tool section of the Sears store.
He decides that this is the day he will not, for any reason
come with me to the ladies bathroom,
"I am not a woman"
he says as he is beginning to read and knows what that sign says.
Just as that paragraph states, I am in a dilemma.
I have a baby girl in a stroller and a little boy who decides 
he is a man today.
I allow him to go into the men's bathroom after I establish the fact
that the men's bathroom is empty. 
I await outside the door, nervous but at least he is alone in there.
A man tries to go in the door I have propped open with a
baby stroller. I won't let him in, explainnig my position.
He chuckles, says he can wait, will come back later.
No way I was letting any stranger in there until my BB comes out.
Then comes the loudest scream, BB back in the day,
he was as loud as I.
"Mommy, I made poo, come wipe my butt!"
He won't stop,
"Mommy, I can't do it, I need you!"
Oh I am soo torn, i try and open the door slightly and
calmly tell him to do his best and then come out so
we can go next door to the women's bathroom
where I can clean him.
"NOOOOO, I need you now!"
He is so loud that i see men in the tool department chuckling.
This is not funny.
Finally one kind man comes over to offer his assistance.
Oh, what do I do???
I can't allow this stranger to go in and wipe my son,
yet I can't leave my baby girl with a stranger while 
i go into the men's bathroom.
What am I to do, this man sees my stress
and offers this,
He will watch the door, he will prop it open
and helps me put gypsy baby inside the bathroom
where I can see her while I go into the men's bathroom
to take care of BB personal problem.
It all works out but the feelings of that day
come flooding back by just reading this post.
Oh motherhood, what a job, what a reward,
what a gift, to permanently wear your heart on your sleeve.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fathers Day

 The Circle of Life...
the circle of life...
My sisters and I spent the whole weekend laughing,
writing, sharing, reminiscing.
We spoke of how each of us are coping with the
loss of Mommy and because of this, there was much talk
of our Daddy also.
We spoke of how, because there was a whole generation
between our age differences that we had different parents.
The older kids remember a stricter but more fun loving parents
whereas us younger ones remembered stay home parents
who catered to us little ones.
It was perfect timing this father's day.
Dad died in 1983 so we have grieved his death a long
time ago. Then Mom dies and you realize that
both parents are gone and the loss of Dad is front and
center once again. Our memories shared
were good ones, our time together perfect.
 So, on this Father's Day let me focus on the three most
important fathers in my life.
My very own Daddy, Freddie.
A man that had so much talent whether it was from 
behind a camera, carving miniature wildlife,
making homemade cast nets or painting.
A talented man who loved his little girls.
As I got older and he got sicker, he many times
was harsh and agitated with others but to his girls
he tried to show us how much we were loved.
I especially remember our special breakfasts he made us.
It was not enough that he made us a homemade breakfast
every morning but made our homemade biscuits  like
cigars per our request. Nontraditional for the times,
Mom worked, Dad stayed home.
I adored that man, always wanted his happiness to be
because of me. He made each of us feel like his favorite one.
He died when I was 20. With him went a part of me.
Yet it was easier to grieve his loss, because we still
had our Mommy and I was much younger. I had lots
to look forward to in my future.
Today I respect him by allowing many memories to 
flood my weekend of him and they were good.
The second father I blog of is the HOBL.
I do understand he is not my daddy but he is the father
of my very own, he's my "baby Daddy".
No, he is not my father but we will forever be linked by
the beautiful children we created.
Again I will say, thank you to you HOBL for always
providing an income big enough that allowed me
to work minimal time so that I could be with them during
all those wonderful milestones.
My time at home may have
sometimes looked like I was unappreciative for his hard
work but I understood that was a gift that not many women
were not blessed with.
In today's world it is hard to survive on one salary.
We sometimes did without, sometimes HOBL missed
things as he would work extra jobs on his times off
so I could be home, so he could get those extra                                                                                        
things for kiddies that did not fit into the only
categories we are obliged to give,
Food, love and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a roof over their heads but he
has provided more than that.
I thank him for that. It has not been an easy year but 
no matter what happens in this crazy thing we call life,
I thank him for this. It has not gone unnoticed
or unappreciated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 Last but not least, my very own baby boy,
Bean's daddy.
I watch him when he doesn't know I am watching him.
I see the way he speaks to his little girl, the way he explains
things to her. I watch how he brings her everywhere and
I see the cute things she teaches her and I am proud.
So proud that somehow in his growing up years
he learned how to parent, to give unconditional love.
I am so proud of him as my son but I 
am most full of happiness for Bean as she
has lucked out. She was born to Kd as her mother, and
BB as her Daddy so she hit the jackpot.
I beam with pride when I see bb with Bean.
There will be times i the life of Bean that
she will hurt her Daddy's feelings, have him worry,
make him feel like crying, but he will never loose sight
of the love he has for her now. No matter how old she
gets, I hope he pictures her as she is now and
he will always be able to deal with her through the
teenage years. I love this BB
" and forever, my baby you'll be"

Friday, June 14, 2013

Today is the best day!

 Today, aside from the Mother/daughter tea,
my sisters and I will be together for the first time since 
we said goodbye to our Mommy.
We had all grown so close while taking care of Mommy.
Of course, we have always been close. Even though throughout 
our lives we have had times that we were separated by 
"rifts" things in life that have come between us, our love for
each other has always been there.
Taking care of Mommy brought us to another level of
closeness, coming together all for the love of the best 
Mommy ever.
 So when we buried our Mommy and were no longer having
to communicate every day, we lost not only Mom but the sister bond
that was so strong while caring for her.
We love our brother, but if you have sisters, you understand
that relationship is very different, so precious.
We are missing each other, we are missing our Mommy 
and this weekend, we will hang out in our PJ's doing nothing
but what we want to do, when we want to.
I am the baby of the family, the last of the Collins girls,
I am spoiled severely even now at almost 50 years old.
I am still called baby sister and love that, never want
to be looked at as nothing but the baby.
As when I am with them I still feel that love.
Our relationships are far from perfect, but the statement,
could have been written for us Collins girls.
I miss my Mommy and the bond we had to hold together
while caring for her.
 We vowed to try and get together at least once a month yet
it is already two months since we have seen our Mom and
have yet to follow through on our promise.
I cannot not wait to have us sisters all under one roof,  one more time.
This Plaquemine house is about to become a home.
Filled with the four women who have been there since the 
beginning of my life, who all still call me Baby sister.
Who each had a hand in the reason I am still alive today.
God I love these women!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Just need to vent...

Tuesday night, after my date night with my bestie, Laurie
(we watch the view and text during the showing)
I decide since nothing else good on TV I am going to 
watch America's Got Talent.
Not my favorite show but I am a closet Howard Stern admirer.
(I know that is against my norm, but we all have our vices.)
I am not completely paying attention as I am also reading.
I put my book aside when I hear a young man
explain that his family abandoned him when at 18 he came
out to tell his family that he was gay.
This makes me so so angry.
I don't understand, I don't understand how when we
hold these precious babies in our arms when they are born
and we vow then and there to love them unconditionally
that anything can change that.
My full attention goes to the program now.
I watch as he cries about how lonely his life has been and
only through his singing does he find any solace.
 It is not what we, as parents are called to do, we are
not called to abandon our children when things don't go the
way we plan. The Big Man gives them to us as a gift.
All he asks of us is to love them.
That is it, to temporarily be their parent until the day they
are called back to Him.
I continue to watch as this boy belts out the most beautiful
Operatic song, and I now am so so sad for those who have
shut him out of their lives. Children are all so multifaceted.
They can be broken in an instant and we, as parents, control
the stick which can break them.
I love love love my gypsy baby. I love
both my babies and cannot think of one thing they could
do that would change that.
What a loss for this child but mostly, what a loss for his parents.
Remember, we have been chosen to care and love our babies.
It is the most important job we have. No matter what life
throws them, no matter what they throw back at us,
it is unconditional love that they should find when they
walk through the door of our home, when they
are planted in that spot in our hearts.
I love you, gypsy baby!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

So so proud!

This beautiful piece of paper has finally come to my baby niece, Tiffy (BeDa)
I am so darn proud of this woman.
Although we are only two years apart, she is my niece and
throughout our lives we have been more like sisters.
It would not be fair for me to post here all she has gone 
through over the last few years.

This post is not about the bad times, it is about this, the hard work
she has put into becoming and Rn and because of all her hard work
got into clinicals. Not only the hard work she has put into her studies
but all with also working full time as an LPN at Lady of the Sea
and being the best single parent to her baby girl, Tedi.
She not only worked hard for herself but also helped
many of her younger friends get through some of the classes they
needed. She has so much to be proud of, I am beaming with pride
for her. She is proof that you can be anything you want to be
with hard work.... love you BeDa!

Grand Isle coming soon

Next time HOBL comes home it is time for
our annual Grand Isle Trip,
time for the Mona Lisa to become our home for a week.
It is my very favorite place in the whole wide world.
If I had to give up my Grand Isle vacation to go on an
extravagant one around the world I would not do it.
Grand Isle is "My Place"
it is the one week that I do nothing for no one,
that I relax, come and go as I  please,
read and nap, play on the beach, relax on 
the hammock. My friends, Kieth and Sue Manning
are the lucky owners of the Mona Lisa and always
give us first dibs on the time we want. 
Pays to have good friends with a camp on the Island
as their camp is not just any camp, it is right on the beach.

Memory Making, this is what the Island is to me.
Wish I could live there but then, it probably would not be
as special to me. This year we have many old friends coming for
a day or a few nights, gunna be a good one!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


What would you do if you were the proud parents
of a severely and chronically mentally ill child?
Years ago I heard and watched in horror a Dr.Phil 
episode about Jani and her fantastic parents.
I knew and believed that Schizophrenia in adults 
was such a sad disorder, having seen adult friends
struggle with the effects to the family.
Yet on that episode I watched a young girl,
at the age of 5 struggle.
Yesterday I watch the follow up Dr. Phil show
and find that Jani's daddy has written a book,
I right away, buy and download to my Ipad.
A summer cold has me down a bit so 
I just know I will begin this book today.
There is always unconditional love between 
a child and it's parents.
To believe and fight for the normalcy of their child
is beautiful but also gut wrenching.
Their bravery in having a second child is 
amazing as I don't know if I would have had the courage
to have other children.
As I have followed Jani's story I remembered how
when her baby brother came to be, her parents
rented apartments in the same complex
because she was so ill at the time, they feared
she would harm him.
They lived their married lives in two separate apartments,
close by so her Dady would have a place to bring Jani when
her Schizophrenia became so complex that she needed 
to be away from others. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story
of unconditional love between a beautiful and yet very ill 
little girl and her special parents.
I just know this book will get 5 stars from me.
It will be one I also must buy in old fashioned book fomr
for the library I am building.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Yes, the Plaisance family is back together sparing Lucy
who is at 4-H camp. Owen called last night to
tell me his Mom loved her dry erase board he made her
and to tell me he loved me and to thank me for letting 
him spend time here. Special times, special times.
I am a blessed, blessed Auntie Lil and like I said
many years ago when starting this blog,
I am working hard on building a legacy, that when 
my time here is over, I will live in the heart and mind
of many I love, fill them with memories of times spent together.
I have also mentioned here just how much
I loved Carol Burnett show when growing up.
Because I was a sickly child growing up and missed lots
of school, TV was a very good friend of mines.
The Carol Burnett show, even today remains one
of my favorites. I will close this post with the song always
sung at the end of her show:
Fitting words for a most awesome week!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


As Hugh left yesterday and I was able to bring Owen home
with me, things are different around here. Whereas Hugh
is older and fine to do nothing, basking in the happiness of
having his Auntie Lil serve him like a King,
My Owen, he likes to play with me.
We started our time together with the "old Lady"
Aunt Rosie visiting us after Lilian's birthday party.
We then headed to Wally world to buy all his favorites.
To come to Auntie Lil's house when you are one of
4 children, is to become an only child for a few days.
He got all his favorites,
"Steak and Broccoli" which was his text message to 
me before the visit. He then was able to fill the basket with
all of his other favorites.
Pepperoni and Croissants,
Strawberries and blueberries,
Raw bell peppers....
oh, and he scored a Star Wars toy also that was on sale.
We came home, Auntie Lil filled his supper request,
Bell Pepper, onion, cucumber salad with 
just a dash of salt and pepper, and vinegar.
Dessert was Strawberries, cherries and blueberries.
We played a new game called blokus.
Then came nighttime.
The one thing that is not cool about being the only child 
at auntie Lil's is when bedtime comes and there are no other
siblings to sleep with. You are in a strange house and making
the sleeping decisions becomes hard.
We finally settled on the Chaise Lounge that is at the foot of
my bed. Auntie Lil set him up with a blankie and pillow,
a lamp and a book. Within 15 minutes out like a light..
We begin this morning lazily.
We have big plans for surprises made in the scrap room this afternoon.
How I love this child.
He has grown up a bit and has agreed that being an
only child at Auntie Lil's house is great,
unless it's nighttime, and you need the comfort of
an older sibling. 
A horse of another color, that is the difference
between the two Plaisance brothers,
yet, I love each with a passion of a great
Auntie Lil.