
Saturday, March 28, 2015

I am going for it.... playing the game of life...

I remember playing the game of life as a child,
you know, the one with the multicolored spinning wheel,
homes that slid into the playing board.
Then there was my favorite part,
the little mulicolored cars that could fit
all your pink or blue skinny, round headed kids.
Oh how I wish life was still that simple....
I always had to stop the younger nieces and
nephews from biting my children flat....
it was so tempting.
I remember those paper insurance affidavids that
I never bought because it was a waist of money.
I am leading some where I promise.
Yesterday, Ron and I started the proceedings to
finish up the last of our seperation and 
with doing this, I will be able to borrow
and buy the home I am in love with right now.
Ron came and looked at the home,
he has never liked an older home, always
wanted new so as not to worry about breaks, etc,
but shoot, some of the newer homes are not as strong as this one.
Long story, short,
(yeah, I know, its not short)
last night I signed a purchase agreement to buy the home.
I will still have it appraised as this young single momma,
has done lots of work since last appraisal.
(Thanks Molly, for doing most of the work for me! lol)
It is a scary move, Ron and I have been together since I was 15,
he 17, married in our very young 20's.
Aside from the 6 months in nursing school, I have never owned
or lived in a home solely my own.
Ron would rather me get a newer home although he 
agrees with me, this is a strong, well built home,
Yet, aside from what might be better to do,
I am going with my heart this time,
I am buying the older home I have always wanted and
never was able to get.
I am almost 52 I don't know what my life will be.
This is what I do know, for once in my life,
I will get the older home I have always wanted.
Those things that Ronnie sees as old to him,
is called character to me.
this young single mom, has done all the inside work for me.
It is move in ready, and this chick is ready.
So I move forward, buying another home while I still
have another on my name. Taking chances,
Tired of playing safe. I can afford it,
when this one sells, it will be paid for 
and I am ready to be who I am.
A woman who likes to be unpacked without boxes
all over home. A woman who likes to decorate
and make her home part of her.
I am excited to finally have a home that is only mine.
So many options, my head is spinning but this time,
my head is spinning all for good reasons,
I must have stayed up half the night looking at magazines
until I began so overwhelmed I had to go to sleep.
To the young woman, Molly,
Thanks for taking such great care of this home 
and doing all the hard work for me. lol
Thank you for having the same taste as me.
Thank you for leaving those things that make this 
home filled with character.
Most importantly, like I told you this morning,
if nothing else, we have made a new friend between 
the two of us.
I know you are just as scared, unsure, worried as I am
but we both got this. I am a firm believer in who I call
the Big Man, God, whatever,
before this home, I didn't press to get things done because
even though I found homes I liked it was not enough to 
make me want to do the scary changes I needed to do 
to make this buy something I could do.
WE will all be fine because I have this positive feeling about it all.
Now the journey of my single life will really begin.

 rounded doorways, be still my heart!!!! 
gas fireplace... heart palpitations....
I love character in this home!
 Not sure what to call this room it'l like this huge hall,
a hub that every room opens up to, one of my favorite
rooms!!! When the owner now, pulled up the
pink carpet, it was small oak panels throughout,
she had them all redone...
This, this little space, was where in the older days,
 the telephone sat...
sooooo glad the owner left it, I have 
the perfect old phone to put there!
This home is filled with things like this.

in love!!!!
I am jittery with excitement!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


We have all felt this before, the wanting of something badly.
I speak today of the home of my dreams, the one I know
the Lord has been waiting for me to find.
There have been homes before this that I fell in love with
and thought it was the one and then it sold.
There were others that I have seen and thought,
"Well, if this one sells I can settle for this one"
And then,
there was "THE ONE"
from the moment I walked in, I knew
it is the one I am meant to own.
It is scary, Ron and I still have this one that
I have gone down on twice in two days because
i want this other one so badly.
When you walk into every room and you just
can see your things in there, you can
see yourself waking up there and feeling content.
So Big Man, I know you know my heart, you 
know my wants and needs, I pray to you,
Please, please let this big thorn in Ron and I's side
sell soon so that I can start my new adventure,
the new chapter in my life in the 
home that has my name all over it.
Come on, Big Man, work your magic!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why I want to teach etiquette classes....

It's been a long time dream of mine
to teach etiquette classes.
I have always wanted to teach little girls 
and especially little boys.
How to open door for women,
how to pull out chairs.
Those things that when Women's equality came out
I guess Men decided it just was no longer
proper to do these things.
I, for one, being back in the dating scene,
love the old fashioned, open my door,
pull out my chair, 
shoot you can even order for me
if you know a restaurant better than I do
and know what I would like.
I am not a women's libber person.
I say that in honesty but I also have
things I believe that sounds like woman's lib.
I think women should be able to do and
say what they want, make choices for themselves
but when it comes to old fashioned being
wined and dined, I am for it.
Why I write this?
Friday night myself and two girlfriends
went out to Laberge where we had a
comp. night for the hotel.
An awesome band was playing, TOP CATS
and Cheryl, Kat and I danced the night away,
with each other of course.
I noticed this one man alone dancing and singing.
Being the people watching person I am,
I also noticed he had a purse over his chest,
the way us women wear it.
Clearly not his purse.
Minutes later a beautiful woman was at his side
and they now danced together.
Yet, that purse stayed around his neck 
throughout the night.
That is a man, not afraid to help his love
by holding her purse.
It is has, more than ever, made me
excited about this Etiquette classes I will be teaching
as soon as I can get myself settled in my own
home. Peace out all you real Men out there!!!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bean is Four!!!

I know!!!! 
Already four!!!
My heart is so full today.
My very first grand baby is four!
Let me say a few words about this child.
She is unique.
I know some will say she is mine of course
I would think that but she really is different.
She has this undying love and nurturing for 
her baby sister.
Cannot pass near her without kissing her.
There are mornings when she hears Jbelle awake.
She does not go and let her Mommy know,
she jumps in the crib and plays with her sister
until they awake or fall back asleep.
She is high strung, little things that
don't go her way can throw her for  a loop
but she is easily brought back if you
use grown up words to explain to her
things. Well, sometimes.....
sometimes she lands in time out.
She has a deep, deep understanding of family.
Loves cousins, mommy's daddys
and babies....
oh my how she loves babies! 
Real ones and fake ones.
She loves books and to be read to.
In that way she is a  lot like me.
Yesterday I picked her up at school because
her Mommy was tied up getting her new car
and what did she want to do?
Have me rock her and read her some books,
oh a girl after my own heart.
WE love her sooo much.
However, she can argue her point to
where you think she is right.
Her beauty is something to behold and
she takes pride in that...
God knew what he was doing when he gave this 
child to her Mommy and Daddy.
Kuddo's to them. To see them with her,
rarely loosing their temper when she is high strung,
just putting her in time out and 
taking something away she loves, like her iPad.
Two children, her and tuts, so different,
but both nothing we would change for anything.
This child made me a Mumsie,
she came to me at one of the worst times of my life,
I probably spent more time with her that was healthy at
the time but she was my life line.
I will forever be grateful for my son and his wonderful wife
for allowing me to be such a big part in their lives.
Happy Birthday, sweet Jilly Bean.
NO words can say how much you mean to us all!!!

Geeze, how did we get so darn lucky,
see you this afternoon, Chucky Cheese!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

childhood sleepovers..

I read an article today about a mother
who writes she will never allow her children
to ever have sleepovers at others peoples homes.
It intriqued me as to her reasons.
She expressed that she was sexually abusied twice
and both time were at sleepovers.
The first was a sleepover at her aunts where her uncle
sexually abused her.
Another was a birthday party and was abused by an
older brother. 
How terrible that a thing that should be so innocent and 
so trusting for a child, a right of passage,
is now one other thing a parent has to stress over,
the simple fact of sleeping at a friends house.
I must admit, I had my own reservations of these things
when baby boy and gypsy baby were growing,
It is why I much rathered the sleepovers to be at my house.
When BB had boys sleepover, they were always so kind
to let gypsy play also, but when bedtime came, she had
to sleep with me. I knew none of these boys would hurt
her but I, as being her Mother, had to take any stress
I may have over it, taken out of my mind.
There were few places I trusted my own children
to sleep and I questioned, questioned, questioned.
AS far as I know neither was abused but there was one
incident with both children that I had wished I had
kept them home. Neither was abuse but in both instances
I felt like I had not made the right choice for them.
So I can see how this author felt about taking no chances.
but I have to say, what about all the things that are
learned by allowing sleepovers and their own friends
to spend time sleeping at their home.
I speak now of my own grandchildren,
how their parents will worry.
I always thought I was against a young child having a 
cell phone and in many ways still am,
yet, If i had young children, they would have some
type of phone to call me no matter what.
So much for young parents to worry about.
Yet, there is so much good from spending time
at others homes as well as having friends spending time
at their own home. To see that families
are all different, none right or wrong, hopefully, but different.
AS young children, I loved when they had sleepovers at our home.
 I tried to spend as much time as I could with them.
The videos we made those days are still things that we love to watch.
They learned of different eating habits, sleep times.
So there are pros and cons of both.
I guess, if I were facing these things as a parent now I would
first know where they were going, well.
I would know their parents, siblings, sleeping arrangements.
I would make sure my child would have a way to call home
if they in any way felt like they needed to come home.
They may feel like you are being ridiculous but in 
these days, you have to be honest with children and let them know
exactly what you fear for them without scaring them.
Most importantly, I would try and make most of the sleepovers
at my home, When at my home, I know I would be the one
to make the rules, etc.
so you young parents who are just starting to have to worry about
these things, begin now to establish a plan.
And may God be with each of our innocent children
and protect them from anyone who takes it upon
themselves to take the innocence from our babies.
Aunt Mumsie

Monday, March 9, 2015

On a limb of honesty...

Today is our 31st anniversary.
Thirty one years ago we walked down the aisle
of my family church and made those vows
that many of us has.
I know we are where we need to be.
I know the marriage had come to a point that
we were both miserable and it just could not
go on. When I see him now, I feel nothing that
feels like love as it once was but anniversaries
are big deals. Today I realize I am thankful for
most of the years we had together.
We had good years and we had many years that
we should have called it quits.
We stayed because it was the easiest thing
to do. I could not imagine trying to repair
the things that broke, don't even want to.
Yet, it is still a sad day because we
both gave up.
Love my new life, I know he is happy for his also.
I know once the house sells things
will be even be better for the both of us.
For today I will say,
Happy Anniversary.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

All Ya gotta do....

Ya know that old song,
Yesterday was a "blue" day.
Then the afternoon came and I went visit
with BB's in laws where Kd and the girls,
Bean and Tuts and sweet Lizzie.
If ever a sad day, drive up to that
and you will instantly be happy.
Bean runs to me, can't wait for me to get out of
the car, jumps in my lap, in the car,
to show me her face painting as well as
all that happened at the party she had been to.
Then sweet Lizzie gives "Mumsie" kisses.
Tuts is asleep but the weather is beautiful
and we play outside. Tuts wakes up and 
gives that big toothy grin we have all grown
to love, and it's all it takes to get
my mind off all those things that have crowded it.
And I can now say here, on this here blog,
that I will be a Mumsie again, 
Kd and BB are expecting number three at end of July.
That also, in itself is enough to make this one
Mumsie so darn happy!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


As promised, I have been reading lots lately.
Picked up this book randomly at Walmart one day
having never heard of it.
What drew me to it, is its a true story.
An amazing, wonderful, true story.
Imagine your child, or a child you love,
comes home at the age of 12 with a sore throat.
How often has that happened to us Mothers...
many times for me.
Yet for Martin, after this day, he never returned 
to school. For the next few weeks he went into an
unexplained coma and became a vegetable.
No doctors could explain what happened to 
their child. Then miraculously,
ten years later, this boy, now
24, awakens. His mind awakens and yet
he is trapped in his body. 
The things he writes about are almost impossible
to believe. Then one caregiver, looks past
the body of this young man, through his eyes
to his soul, and realizes, he is not the same,
he is back! This is when our technology
of the years comes to play.
Through the miracle of computers and switches
he finds his way back into our world.
Don't want to spoil the book for others but
it is a must read, one of love of parents,
fight of coming back to a world that
had changed so much and finding love...
It is amazing!

Monday, March 2, 2015

pay it forward.....amazing!

So many times we hear of people paying it forward,
usually simple things, 
paying a toll for the car behind you, I have done that.
Paying for the food in the drive up behind you.
Today, however I read of a great one!
A young woman became engaged and was so very 
excited but decided to wedding dress shop alone.
Wanted no one to see the dress nor know what her
simple budget was.
As she tried on dresses, others in the boutique also
got excited with her, even as they tried on their own 
dresses. Finally she tried one on and found "it"
the one that was hers. She tells of how it was in her
price range and because she was alone, for a minute,
she wished she had someone special with her.
Little did she know how many there were routing for her.
Those strangers made her feel so special, she writes,
as she put on the veil that made it "hers".
The best part of the story is to come.
As she goes to pay, she is told,
"Ma'am this dress has been paid in full"
What? she is confused, no one she knows is there,
no one she knows even knows what she had planned for
this special day. The anonymous buyer was one
in the shop that day. 
All the shop owner can say is she walked in 
that morning to look for her own wedding dress
and when she saw this young woman, so beautiful
find her dress, to share with strangers this special moment
she was called to put her own wedding dress shopping aside 
and pay for hers.
We forget, because of this world, we forget, 
all these good people in this world. So many!
I cannot buy a wedding dress for someone,
shoot I don't even know where I will be living in 
the next few months, but I can pay it forward in the small ways.
A neighbor is having surgery, I will cook for her and
her family on surgery day.
I will share my home with those who need a place to sleep
while they have clinicals in Baton Rouge,
I can pay for the car behind me if I go through the 
drive up window.
Yesterday, in line to check out groceries,
a young boy asks his Mommy for a quarter.
Every child wants a quarter for those gum machines.
She has none. I pull out two.
One for him and one for his little brother.
I don't say these things to brag, it is not my intention.
Only to show that we all can pay it forward in small ways.
Just like what is called 
the huge changes that a pair of silken wings can create
with and almost imperceptible flutter,
across the universe can change what happens in 
your world.
WE have that power in small ways.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Just as soon as I put my new attitude that
I am selling this house,
two house showings!
Still have not had any feedback except the realtor
"had lots of positives"
I will take that.
Yesterday, I could not stop my mind from
moving into the next home I so hope does
not sell before I sign this one sold.
I love home decorating, I love old things,
the home I want is redone with all the 
old things I love still in it. 
I just know this will be my home.
Which has brought me to Ikea website.
I never knew Ikea had so much to choose from.
Back in the day, Ikea was just storage and closet
organizers, now there is nothing you cannot get.
So, i have always wanted a library,
I know have said it a thousand times.
now, have it all planned in this home I call
Mines already as well as those cheap shelves
I have found at Ikea.
Sorry for the boring post,
thinking out loud so I can get it out my head.
I've felt lonely lately so this new
lease on the sale of the house has me with
new thoughts, my future!
Today Tiffy and a friend heads here for the
night as they have school in Baton Rouge.
Gunna get out this house this evening for some
adult fun. Being single has its pros and cons.
Truly single once again.
Mr. Big and I had changed our status months
ago to friends. Now he is in Georgia and
so happy that he is finally where his children are,
he is happy and that is all I wanted for him.
We always knew the relationship was temporary.
Now I am taking time for me.
May date but no serious atttachments.
All I want to think about right now is
moving into a home that I can call mine,
doing the decorating that I so love, really love.
Cannot wait! 
Enough of thinking out loud, sorry for the 
boring post, but will leave you with a beautiful 
I am not a tattoo lover, but this one, has me
in awe.