
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

OUR KD, an Rn WITH A License!!!

I try not to speak much of the younger Riera family.
Yet, most who know me, know my sweet daughter in law
Kd, not only has three little girls in just 4 years,
she has been hard at work first changing her LPN 
status to an RN status over the internet college course.
It was grueling and many of us helped her with the babies
while she studied. She was well Preggo with Smalls,
when she took her more than stressful clinical weekend.
We all celebrated that pass because in our eyes,
she was now an RN. Yet, if you know about nursing,
there is always that dreaded test with and for the State....
So each day, when she could get help with her girls,
or when Baby boy was home, she cracked those books.
On Monday she finally felt ready to take the "dreaded" nursing test.
Last hurtle to get her dream. 
Few people pass this exam on their first try and having
been a full time Mommy for some time and having worked
little in the hospital, her studies were harder than most.
She left that testing site and psyched herself out telling
us all she had failed and she was ok with it because
now she knew how the test was formulated.
Baby Boy, always so proud of his little family
and his partner in marriage and parenting, Kd.
I explained to him that those tests, are hard to read
because every answer could be right, you have to pick
best answer and that makes it a very hard test.
I Know they both were not bummed and had set their
sites on studying for another 45 days when she could take it again.
YEt, I had a good feeling that she had passed.
This sweet girl who I call my daughter in law,
gave it her all and I just felt like she knew her stuff.
Last night, laying in bed, READING OF COURSE,
I first get a picture text from Kd showing a 
picture of her license. Baby boy had left yesterday morning
for work and his text read,
"She passed!" Funny that a text can give you the emotion
your BB is feeling. I have been proud of this girl many, many times
since I have known her, none more than when she and BB
blessed us with those three sweet grand girls.
But this feat was one she made her goal.
I am so very proud of this child.
Yes, child, because when she married my son,
she became one of my children.
Kd, I love you, soon much! I love you with or 
without a nursing license but I am thrilled for you
because it was your dream since a little girls to be an RN and
now, at your young age, it is all behind you now! 
Wait when those big checks come in!!!
You are so caring, so nurturing, and yet down to Earth
and not afraid to put your foot down to discipline those
three girls of yours when needed.
You are so loving and I know that will be carried on to your patients,
lucky people! 
Even without all of this, I would still love you as my own!
It takes a village to raise a child,
like my Tiffy reminded me last night,
it also took a village to make Kd's testing a reality.
You are sooo much more than just a daughter in law to me
and I will forever love you as mine! 
Frank and Cathy, thanks for not only raising such a wonderful 
daughter who is now an RN WITH A LICENSE
As I have often said,
"I could not have hand picked a wife, or Mother for 
my grand girls better than Baby boy did.
Once again, Love you, Lil Momma!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Bare with me as I put this out there and then let it be....
Each year, if you are a cancer survivor,
no matter how long ago your cancer was,
you worry until the results are in....
Thank goodness, one more year with no 
evidence of cancer! Yeah I have some issues
related to treatments way back when but
I am 52 years old and as of this year,
 a survivor of 47 years!
Blessed is what I am.
Not many out there who had cancer in 1968
can not only say they still here but
to be living a good life.
Few scares this year, but not knowing,
as I have said sooo many times before is the
biggest fear. I can live with all other issues.
Thanks to the Big Man for another year
to love, laugh, live, my grand girls, my kiddo's 
my family and all my dear friends,
And now that is all I am going to say about that!
Until next year
Thanks to all for prayers and good thoughts.
I appreciate each of you!

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Each time I walk into my cottage, I say to myself
(Unless Tiffany is with me, then I say it aloud)
after a big whiff,
"MMMM it smells like an old church in here.
and it does..Two smells I love, the smell
of a library and the smell of a church.
So needless to say its another reason why I love
my cottage. This afternoon, after 4pm  play practice
I came home and the cottage was nice and toast,
miss my fireplace because I have had to have it
repaired and waiting for parts,
but anywayyyyy,
I walked in and said to myself,
"Smells like an old church"
I put my pj's on and started watching TV
not something I do a lot.
The darkness came and got colder.
I then came with a flood of memories,
Little girl in her PJ's making a bed
on the floor of her Mommy and Daddy's room.
Then another memory floods,
going to church on Saturday nights on cold winter
evenings. While at church, stained glass looks 
very different when the darkness from outside
shines through into church.
I remember many Saturday evenings,
laying my head on my Mommy's lap
and playing with her heavily veined hands 
and I realize, it is not just the smell of an old
church that gives me a feeling of "home"
when I open the door of the cottage,
but the memories that come along with all the Saturday
night masses I attended as a child, laying on
my Mommy's lap...
Walking in the same church I sat in as a child,
as my Mom gave me away 1984!


I am speaking out today on Abortion.
Each morning I read an online news site
called THE STIR.
It is meant for young women but I just love
their topics, this morning,
It was about stories of women who have
had abortions. Now I am not a prude,
nor am I unknowing of sometimes the only answer
is an abortion because of health reasons for the mom
or the baby. Yet, these 12 stories were from women
with not such issues, they made their decisions
as they explain in their short stories because
either they were too young, their other half boyfriend,
encouraged it, or having a baby would mess up their plans.
I am not one to judge and even in this post,
although I guess I am judging, I support my beliefs,
the reasons these women had abortions were each
out of selfishness. I am such an advocate of giving
for adoption. Would it have been so hard to have the baby
and give it up to a family who has been praying for
a baby for years, for those women and men who
want a baby so bad that they would sell organ parts
if it meant they could have a baby.
Yes, if you are sickly or the baby is sickly,
go ahead and have a healthy abortion.
I admire those women you hear of who are diagnosed
with cancer yet, prolong their treatment until after
the baby is born. That is true love.
So I am for everyone having their rights....
except I guess when it comes to abortion.
To think of all these babies, that are healthy and would 
be a perfect baby of those who are not as fortunate and it
makes me sad.
I look at my three grand girls and I think of my 
gypsy baby and Kayshara-shara and the
babies they hope to have one day 
and I just can't imaging if abortion had been chosen over 
having them. I watch my BB and our KD,
with the last two babies being only 14 months apart
and how hard it can be but how much they so love
those little girls and I can't imagine a life without them.
Once again, I will get off my soap box, but if you find 
yourself in the predicament of being pregnant and not knowing what
to do, think adoption. Yes you will have to do the hard thing,
tell your parents, you baby daddy and his family,
but you can bring such joy to so many families who are waiting
for the baby you are choosing to do away with.

Monday, January 18, 2016

So hard to blog these days....

Feel like a stranger to my own blog.
I have written here since the year of 2007.
Since that time, I had two people who followed
me silently and although they rarely if ever
posted on the wall, they sent me private messages
via Facebook often commenting on the blog or
how much they like something I wrote or
nudging me when I had not blogged in a few days.
Those two people are no longer on the Earth,
my dear cousin Fay and my dear friend,
Donna Kiffe. So what to do?
Do I start a brand new blog
or do I try to get over my block?
I only know one thing for sure,
I miss these two women and the 
relationships we had in the past and
the relationships we had via the cyber World.
To my followers, I will try and get this
blog up and going again.
Thanks for being so patient.
Love to all! 

Friday, January 1, 2016


A few days ago I lost an old friend,
Donna Kiffe, the tangles our lives have touched
over the years is too much to go into but
our lives mingled many times and she was a
dear friend, a great mother, and recently a
mother-in-law to my Lacy gal.
But this post does not focus on her loss as
it actually was her gain. I have never
met a more spiritual woman like Donna.
Although she was homebound, Facebook
kept her active in all our lives, I will forever
be grateful for that.
Her loss to us has me realizing what a year
it has been for Earthly loss and Heavenly gains.
Donna, like my cousin, Fay were avid fans
of me blog, both would send private messages
if I hit the nail on the head about a topic,
and a little nudge if I went too long for them
to write one.
I believe in life after so I am saddened for us,
but not for all those I have loss this year.
Let this be the year we put behind silly grudges 
and find good in all those we love and 
even those we are not very fond of. 
Let 2016 be the year that we work hard
to make amends to those we love even if they 
may not deserve it. Let the luncheon gatherings
all around the world be of happiness and thankfulness
for what we have. Life really is too short.
I have seen that this year, having loss many young
friends also through tragedies that just didn't seem right.
May the year of 2016 be the one we put hostility aside,
piss the Devil off so bad he goes away for good.
Let us all see where we can be disciples of our Big Man 
whether it be just giving a young Mother a break
for a few hours or carrying the empty garbage cans
of a neighbor back to where it belongs following
garbage pick up. Small things, equal the big things
it is all just about being better than we thought
we could be. Lets spend time to write a letter to that
old friend we haven't seen in so long, to 
find a pen pal via snail mail and share your thoughts
of life with them. I am not one to make a 
New Years resolution, this year won't be the 
year I make a huge list and break them all come
January 3rd. Instead, lets just add and scratch off
that bucket list we should all have.
Having lost so many great people this year,
write, write, write. Journal who you are,
When you are gone, leave a piece of who you are
for those others to remember you by.
Most importantly, live...
don't just breathe, but live.
Happy New Year to all of you! 
Cyber hugs to you all filled with love!