
Thursday, November 24, 2016


The day of the year where we gather with family/friends,
and we give thanks for all we are so very happy to be
thankful for. I try not to let my thanks list build up
to big because then i get stuck.
Today, I have so so much to be thankful about...
It is almost the same, I am sure as many of my followers,
and yet, maybe I am feeling just a little more thankful 
this year than others.
Let my start with the obvious.
1) My bestie's, oh my bestie's!
Just thinking of the day three weeks ago
when one young mother lost her life,
and my dear bestie's were hurt in ways that
will have them in painful therapy for some time.
However, they are here I can talk, text, touch them.
Not all have been so lucky this year. 
So many have lost loved ones this year,
who feel a tinge of sadness when thinking of
the day of Thanksgiving.
2) My Grand Girls, oh those three girls!
You know, they say, when you don't have something,
you can't feel the loss  because you don't know how it feels
to have them. For me, first, to be able to have children
when every doctor told me growing up it was impossible.
Two children later, one beautiful DIL and another
who finds herself in love with my baby girl has me
hoping of more babies.
For now, back to the three grand girls...
No words can explain the love I have for them.
Each with a different personality.
It feels like they have always been with us,
we are blessed, I may be biased, but I think we received
the three best girls in the world.
They love their Mumsie, well except Jem, but we 
working on that!
3)My children.... Yes they are grown,
31 and 27 but when I look at them, 
as you do if you are fortunate to be blessed with children,
I still see them as my little children,
I have spoken of this so many times but that
feeling just does not go away.
Not long ago, BB said to me, something he has said
many times in the course of his marriage,
"Mom, I am 31 years old!"
"But when I look at you, I don't see that grown up
man, I see the face of the same one you see when looking
at your little girls, the same you will see when they 
says to you, 'Dad I am (fill in blank) years old'
4) New friends, old friendships rekindled bucket lists

Friday, November 18, 2016


I am a blogger, a writer, but when I get a block, such
as "the accident" until that is down on paper,
on blog,  All other things I want to journal about, life 
events just can't be done until that first one is.
So that one is done and I am full of things and ideas
that have run into that writing.
Many may have heard my words when I tell a portion 
of my life, or I do a motivational speech and I say,
"You will have to read the book"
and the book will be written, it is not just a joke.
I can write, I have journaled almost my entire life
on and off, but constantly since I was 21.
I have over 20 journal completely full.
As I remain contemplating this book 
my daughter, (changing her name from gypsy baby to something else)
(Just don't know what yet)
is also contemplating the writing of a book,
that child is smarter than I think she realizes
and I am just a tad afraid her book will be done before mine.
My next agenda thing on my list is to try and
find an editor to put my stories down
in some type of order that it will be read by others.
Hearing my baby girl talk of her ideas and excitement,
I feel that same excitement once again that
has been stuffed for years out of not knowing how to
organize it. I will get this done.
The hard part, is writing a book of Memiors that will
not hurt anyone by putting the words down to sell.
I know some may be offended, hurt and perhaps
that is what is holding me back but whatever it is,
just like the block from the accident,
this block about book writing has to go.
It is jumbled in my mind, some days, all I can think about.
On December 8th, I have been asked by 
two dear friends from Golden Meadow to be a speaker
I am super excited as I have not done a motivational speech.
I always say, give me an audience and a microphone and 
I am there. If ya DTB and not much to do,
meet us at Lady of the Sea waiting room on December 8th!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Those of you who follow me regularly may wonder,
Where is lil?
Well I, and my two bestie's have had major life changing
events and although I have tried to write this blog 
at least a half a dozen times, I just can't seem to put it 
out there, can't seem to put my heart and thoughts into this.
And yet, I know until this blog is written I can't move forward
with my writing or my blog.
Let me give it one more try.
As most know I, and my two bestie's,
Ann and Laurie had been planning our bucket list trip
to Martha's Vineyard. We had not vacationed together 
since our Senior year in high school to Disney.
We have been busy raising children, forming families
yet now we are at a point that it was time to get our 
bucket list worked on.
You can imagine the excitement we all experienced.
Then tragedy hit us on the morning of our trip.
Although I was supposed to drive DTB to ride
with them to airport, I had been suffering with 
bronchitis so I decided to sleep in NOLA and
meet them at the airport. 
If you have seen the movie FINAL DESTINATION
you will know my feelings about not being in the
car that was hit head on with my bestie's in it.
As I packed my car to head to the airport I got 
the worst call anyone every wants to get.
"We won't make it, we have been hit head on,
Oh Lil, its bad"
and she was right, it was so bad, for us, our families
and especially for the family and driver of the other car.
I am not going to go into detail on their injuries because
that is so private. I will only say that both of them 
have long recoveries ahead but we are blessed because
each morning, we are still able to text, talk, visit.
The family of other, not that fortunate.
As they, and I heal and learn to live with the changes 
this accident has made in their lives,
we are thankful, all of us.
I have seen so much good in this world,
from our families, friends and complete strangers.
I have seen some ugly, from doctors, hospitals, as
well as seeing beauty in the same doctors and hospitals.
and yet, the one this that really matters is,
we remain together as the "three besties"
Thanks to all who helped, prayed, cooked,
shared, visited, anything you all have done,
us three appreciate.
It is a weird thing to first, almost loose you very
best friends from second grade, it is weird
to have beat the odds and not have been in that car.
I have prayed and wondered often,
"Why was I not in that car?"
and in Lilly fashion, God has answered me in the 
silence of my prayers,
"Because you are the medical one, you can help
with their recovery, you can help with Laurie's children,
you can help by being an obnoxious big mouth person
to assure they get what they need and understand
in lay terms the big picture the docs explain in ways
many would not understand."
I can't end this blog without mention of the poor unfortunate
Mother of two who lost her life that day.
We could not speak of this for their own privacy 
but again, In Lilly fashion I feel that others need to know,
close to our hearts, although bestie's were not at fault,
the emotional toll of knowing this woman has passed has
not been easy. She was doing nothing wrong, going to work
at a respected job that required her to be up and on the road at 3:15am.
We have asked ourselves alone and together, why this has happened.
The way I can deal with it is my pure belief that 
1) God has a plan for all of us.
2) God takes us when we are at our very best.
I like to believe that on the morning of November 2,
that young woman was at her very best and her 
place was ready for her.
Please continue to pray for my girls, their road will
not be an easy one, but as I said,
they will survive, they will heal.
The way they and their families have handled this
has been such an eye opener for me.
They are truly my hero's!
Love you gals,
Ann and Laurie....
forever and always,
the three Besties!