Today, on the anniversary of Nine-eleven,
I am looking forward to my date with the
beautiful Momma in the picture above!
I am hoping she doesn't have to stand me up
due to reasons beyond her control...
We are heading to Larose Civic Center
for dinner and a play of
Steele Magnolia's
that my friend Pam is starring in.
So let me just say a few words about my niece,
I have a very close relationship with all
my nieces and nephews but
today I will focus on the one I have
with my date.
She was born to me when I was 10,
so my relationship is different with her
than the older ones she calls sisters.
I remember the day she was born,
when I got back from school and Daddy
told me another girl was here for the
Gisclair clan.
I was so excited because one,
I didn't want a nephew called Calvin,
(sorry Jay, I cannot lie on my blogs)
and I just knew this little girl would be
special to me because I was old enough
to enjoy her in a different way.
I remember so much from her younger days...
I remember being her sitter,
I would take a nap with her every afternoon.
Cuddling her was so much fun because
she actually enjoyed her naps.
I would read to her, and she was always so calm.
she let me play airplane with her and she
was smaller than me so I could airplane her
on my legs, we called it
flight 107, don't ask why, it's what we called it.
She would sit on the bathroom counter and
let me blow-dry and style her hair for hours,
she never complained.
I wasn't always nice to her,
sometimes I gave in to her older sisters,
scared her about the ghost that lived in her house
called Cornelius, I never felt good about
scaring her, but I gave in and did it anyway,
sorry Beck!
Then we hung her baby dolls in the back trees with
clothes pins just high enough so she couldn't reach,
why in the world did I do these things?
Well I can just say, our relationship since those
times has always been one I treasured.
As I got older, and when they would visit
from Houma, I always let her in my room
and I would clean out drawers to give her
things I no longer wanted.
She could hang out with me in my room when
the others couldn't.
She never messed up my shelves that were
filled with things I treasured.
We both loved to read so we would
lay in my bed, never talking, just reading
for hours...
Oh, the relationship I had with the
little Rebecca is one I will always hold close
to my heart.
Now she is grown and I can say
one of my best friends.
We are much alike and yet very different.
Where I can be loud and obnoxious,
she is always quiet and reserved.
Where I am always thinking I need to do more,
she understands where her place is right now
which is with her 4 beautiful children.
We don't talk all that often, but when we
do you can set the timer, it'll always
be at least 1/2 hour.
I admire the way she and Mikie are
raising their children.
I know there are many times
they worry about things in their family,
they always hold their head up,
they are private in things that would
affect their children and let
rumors roll off their back.
I hope I have never disappointed them
with the issues they have trusted me with.
Both she and Mikie make it a point to
stay involved in Roddie and Jesi's life.
Both my children look up to the both of them
and will call them for advice without
hesitation. I trust them to always
tell my kids what they need to hear.
They have been good to the Riera kids
in that way. They have their own hands
full but they still have time for my small brood.
I hope as their children grow, they feel the same
way about their Aunt Lil.
I pray that my own children have learned
from these two cousins how to
always be there for their cousins as
they grow. I hope that any 4 of the Plaisance
gang feel like they can always call
Roddie or Jesi.
I promise to always give these four children what they need
not what they want, just as Rebecca and Mikie have always
done for my children.
Their main priority is always their
immediate family, I wish I could be more
like that. So Rebecca,
You always have and always will be
very special in my heart.
I value your love and your friendship
I pray that I have given you as much
in your life as you have given me,
For in nurturing you as a child,
I have learned how to be the mother
I am. I hope that you see some
of me in the way you Mother your
beautiful brood.
I hope you know that you have always and
will always hold a special place in my heart.
I can't wait to spend time with you tonight!!!!