
Friday, September 25, 2009

What are you reading?

Right now I am reading a wonderful book!
if you have any interest in reading
and if you love a higher power,
then this book is for you.
One of my friends at work, Donna
told me that I should read it.
The synopsis:
A story about a man who
literally looses his youngest child
while on a camping trip.
She has been abducted and her
clothing is found bloodied in an old shack
far from where she was last seen.
this man is bitter, has lost his way
far from his God or Pappa,
as his wife calls the Big Man.
Until one day he gets a note
asking him to meet at the shack.
The same shack where his daughter
was brought.
The note is signed, Poppa.
You must read the rest to find out how the
book transpires.
Beautifully written,
a must read
a must have.
Enjoy your Friday, enjoy your


  1. What I'm reading??? sports about the 3-0 New Orleans Saints.... and my Sports Illustrated until the subscription runs out b/c I'm not renewing... I'm also am a blog reader... just read one about a Yorkshire Terrier reunited with a brother ... sounds like a Disney movie. And fine print.... don't forget to read the fine print.. I read the fine print on everything.... it strengthens the eyes! Can you call and tell me how the book transpires, b/c you know I'll never read it.

  2. I'm with Mikie, I didn't read about the mutt, yet, but getting ready to...the only thing I have to time to read these days are financial reports. Remember, I'm saving Stephen King for when Lil and I make it to the Manor!!!

  3. Girl I done read all those stephen king books so you better hope by the time we move to the manor that I have dementia because i'll tell you the end to all of them, on purpose, just for fun, it'll be my entertainment, that and flirting with all the old men, unless of course by sweetums is still alive ;^)
