
Monday, March 8, 2010


(Me and Mumsie in Mexico, circa 1971)
As Forest Gump would say,
Spending time with Mumsie is
"...Like a box of choclates, you never know
what your gunna get."
You know the saying.
Well yesterday I got lots of stories.
Some days Mumsie talks a lot,
some days she sits quietly just glad to be in the car.
This is what dementia has done for her.
So, for prosperity's sake, I share with you
what I call Mumsie-isms.
Mums' asks me why Ronnie didn't come with us.
I tell her he thinks its a waste of money
but like I told him, we can't take it with us.
Mumsie shares,
"Yeah, you know the story about that man,
he tried to take it with him,
he heard he was going to die so he tried
to eat all his money,
You know what happened?
He choked and died."
This is so funny, I think.
In my head I am already planning this blog.
I just knew many would get a kick out of these -isms.
I stop at a red stop sign.
I hear her chuckling in the seat beside me.
"You ever heard that joke about the man
who stopped at a stop sign?"
"No Mumsie, tell me." I answer.
"The man was going into town to sell his potatoes.
He stopped at a stop sign and it never changed,
so he stayed stopped and all his potatoes rotted."
Hahahahahaahahaha this one has me going.
She tells me, "Huh, you laughing but that is a
true story, the man was from Cut Off.
Hahahahahaha, I ask "Mums, you remember his name?"
"No I can't remember and I am sure people made the
story bigger but it is true."
In my mind I am trying to think who might
that man from Cut Off be.
The best of the evening, the one that
will make your heart go soft is this one:
When picking her up all the employees at the Manor
want to know where she is going,
"To the casino" she answers.
They wish her well, say they hope she comes back a winner.
Mumsie says for all to hear:
"Anytime I spend time with my children and my family,
I already am a winner."
Pure and simple, that is what my Mumsie has become.


  1. I love the wisdom of the folks close to God.

  2. Posterity will very much appreciate this lovely story and hopefully we will all reach prosperity from it. Thanks Aunt Lil.
