Happy President's Day.
A day for Thanksgiving to those men who have helped
to shape our country into the awesomeness it is today.
Yes, the US of A is still awesome.
It has many problems and every generation has their own
new set of issues but I am so glad I live here.
Where I can make decisions for the day of today.
Where I can come on my trusty little blog and
say what it is I want without worrying about
repercussion except for maybe the people
I happen to blog about on any given day.
I have written before of how I feel about honor
of whatever individual we are calling the President
at any given time.
Whether I like him or not, agree with him or not,
support his decisions or not, I always want to remember
to respect that President.
Today I am most thankful for the fact that
some banks are closed....
Yes you heard it correctly.
Because of this, today I am going to celebrate this
with my two besties, Laurie and Ann.
Laurie's bank is closed and Ann's is not
but she was able to get off for the day to
play with us at the jewelry show!!!!
Yup, heading out early today for some
friendship loving...
Happy President's Day to all!!!
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