I know I probably blog too much about visiting my Mommy
at the manor. Shoot, I probably blog too much about bringing
Bean there to visit. Yet, something magical happens when
i visit there with her.
As I said before, It is important to me that Bean have memories
of my Mommy so I try and bring her often.
There is something about the Bean though that makes her visits
even more special, magical.
Bean is a friendly child, loves people and loves talking.
I always make it a point to go into the dining room with her at coffee time.
There, the elderly come to congregate and when they see a child,
they light up. When the encounter a child like Bean
it makes their day, puts smiles and giggles in their afternoon.
Such is this day.
I let her take her little baby with its bed and comb to each table
and explain in her "Jilly Language" about her baby.
They loved it and so does she.
If you have young ones, take them to visit our elderly,
it will make your heart happy just to see these two generations
mix. I am so glad I get to witness the transformation each time.
Going to share some pictures of the day.
I have the cutest little video of Mommy singing to bean
and bean just mesmerized by it but it just won't load
and I am sad because I so wanted to share the sweet moment with you all.
Above picture is bean waking up from her nap at mommee's.
she loved her nap there, rocked with mommee until she fell
asleep then made it to Mommee's bed.
After the nap we sat outside the beautiful grounds of
St. Joseph manor and waiting Rebecca who came for coffee with us.
Somewhere in this little girls heart and head will be memories
of such a beautiful place spent with such a beautiful woman.
She won't know the old mommee, the one we remember prior to dementia,
but her memories will be just as sweet when thinking of her
great grandmother who played babies with her.
Happy weekend to all.....
staying in today, nasty weather.