
Monday, December 16, 2013

the big C hits the Little family

I am an obsessed TLC watcher.
I love all the other shows. One of my favs.
is the Little Couple.
I was shocked and so sad to find out
when Katie the neighbor came to visit to find
out that Jen has cancer. 
After finding out, I looked it up and sure enough,
Katie was right. Some things just don't seem even.
So much for one couple. 
In the midst of realizing that to have children adoption would
have to be the way.
In the midst of getting sweet William and waiting for Zoey 
to be ready to come home,
Jen finds she has cancer. It seems like her prognosis is good
but she has not shared what type of cancer it is she
is battling. She is such a trooper, having been through 
so much in her life, still never a negative word from 
her. Puts my life into perspective.
Prayers and love to the Little couple and their family.
I will be following them as they are planning
to share their battle with all of us.
Makes me love them even more.
(going to have to buy people mag. to read this)

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