I love hospital food and since I had an appt.
in Thibodaux, I decide to eat lunch at Thibodaux Regional.
While there I run into a dear friend, Claire.
My family will never forget her help and her suggestion
on Mom's last hospital stay to get St. Joseph Hospice
for her care. We knew she was dying and going with this
hospice was exactly what she and our family needed.
I will always be thankful to Claire for her time and
her suggestion. She would say this was a small thing,
My family would beg to differ.
We are in line to check out and we greet each other
with a kiss on the cheek and the question of how the families were.
We are bayou gals, it's the way we say hi.
We did not speak of the loss of my Mom or who
thankful I was to her. I had sent her a card to explain
this last year but I know we were both thinking of it.
We separate, he to eat with friends, I to eat and journal.
It is almost a year to the day when Claire helped my
family. I am filled with thoughts of "paying if forward"
We never know how good deeds to others will
affect us later in life.
Claire's dad was my English teacher in 7th grade.
He was quiet but challenged us to do our best.
I would get so frustrated because I just could
not make the grade I wanted in that class.
He was so respected as a teacher and I have to owe
my love of reading and writing partly to him.
Grammer is very important to me and he helped in
instilling that.
When I became a nurse, there were many times
he was ill and I was his nurse. He was still a man of few words
so you never really knew how he felt having a student
now caring for him. I found out in the little things he did.
Like one Sunday, Baby Boy was a baby and we and Mom
were eating at Randolph's. So was he and his wife, Claire's mom.
He came to me and handed a ten dollar bill to BB saying
he knew I could not take "tips" but this was for my baby.
I was so touched. Many times since then His wife,
whenever she sees me, will share how much he loved
when I was his nurse, would even ask if I was coming to work.
Things I did not know.
He died many years ago but his wife still reminds me
of my caring attitude to her husband and how much he loved me.
This was always honorable and yet, so long later it is his
own daughter, Claire who pays my family back in the way
of helping our own Mommy.
Pay it forward, each time you can,
you never know when it will be reciprocated.