Harper's Roar
named Harper.
I began this morning like most, drinking my coffee
and reading Yahoo news.
The article on the sweets young family brings
me to the Facebook site called
This sweet child was born with a rare condition
something both her parents were carriers of
and didn't know before planning a family.
If you go on Facebook, you will see the picture
of the most precious baby girl who can
sit up, against what all medical professionals told her
family. Now her family fights for Harpers chance
at a new drug that is in its trial run.
Harper's condition would probably be helped
by this experimental drug and yet, because of
her age, she can not be a candidate. Her parent
fight for her right. So would I.
You see, 45 year ago, I was a 5 year old child,
born to a family who did not have much money.
I was the baby of seven and my parents were in their late
40's. They were told I had a type of cancer,
Wilms Tumor, that was incurable.
However, I was transferred to Touro Hospital in New Orleans
where there my parent met a doctor by the name
of Dr. Fisherman. He explained to my parents that
he could not save me, he had tried in the past
with other children who had this disease and
was unsuccessful to save any of them.
He did offer a trial he had been working on
and if my parents allowed him to treat me,
it may help other children who are diagnosed after me.
He also promised if they did this, he would never send
them a bill, Imagine their fear when they signed their
5 year old child over to a man they did not know.
It was the best thing. I not only was his first patient
who survived the 5 year survival trial but
45 years later, I am still here.
What if this drug is the one that can save Harper's life.
Please go on her Facebook site called HARPER'S ROAR
and sign her petition, she deserves every chance at life
just as I did.
There is also a young girl on the bayou where I am from
who has just been diagnosed with my type of cancer,
Wilms' Tumor. It makes me happy to know that
because of the things that were tried on me,
this precious child will have the best chance at a
full life, just like I have had.
Hi! I'm Harper's mom. I just wanted to thank you for taking time to share Harper's story on your blog and also connecting it to your life story. Trials can be life-saving and your life is a testament to that. Thanks again, Holly Singh.