
Monday, August 11, 2014

Mrs. Beasley has a new home….

Prepare yourself for a lengthy one.
When I was 5 and had an incurable cancer, 
called Wilms Tumor. My aunt GaGald 
gave me a ms. Beasley doll.
My prognosis was not good and I would not eat.
Aunt GaGald asked what I wanted to make
me eat. I loved the show Family Affair and on
that show the little girl Buffy had a doll called
Ms. Beasley. Buffy was a sad little girls so 
she told Ms. Beasley everything.
In my 5 year old mind, I needed one like that.
So my Aunt GaGald, one of my many aunts
who would have done anything for me especially
to get me to eat, bought me a Ms. Beasley.
What she gave me was more than just a new doll.
I hated my family to cry. Even at 5 years old,
I knew I was the reason for everyone's sadness.
So I told Ms.Beasley everything.
She came to all my hospital stays,
all my radiation treatments when I had to lay still
for over an hour without even scratching my nose.
No one could come in with me, all my Mommy and
Daddy could do was watch me, let me know they were there
through a very small window in an iron clad door.
One of their faces were always in that window
so I could see them. Ms. Beasely, she was right
there at me side. I told My gal all I feared,
all I was sad about, everything.
I back then had chem until I was almost 8.
Then I refused to die and got better.
One day Ms. Beasly found herself at the bottom of
my toy box and when C tried to get her, she ripped
her head off. It was a funeral and my sis felt terrible.
My dad safety pinned her head back on but it
just was not the same so over the next few months
she just didn't have her importance anymore.
(It is why Toy Story 3 makes me cry)
Okay, that was the long back ground story.
Many, many years later, my sisters got together
and found me a brand new Ms. Beasely.
I was a grown woman, with two children on
my own, and yet, they gave me this most special gift.

I did not leave her in the box, I didn't care about
how her value would decrease out the box.
i didn't have her for value, I had her for love.
So for the last 14 years she has held high places of
honor in my home. Then Bean came along 
and she too loved her. But she like fussing her too
much. Ms. Beasely talks, so when she says 
CAN HEAR YOU" Bean would tell her
"Well you need to be quiet when I talk to you" 
Poor Ms. Beasley. But I loved that we played with her.
Then comes the message and the family contacts of
a sweet 7 year old named Mak. 
I find out that she has the same Wilms tumor I have.
Her Mommy is a bayou gal, her daddy is a VAcherie boy.
Although they are separated, they are doing all that
is needed for Mak, putting themselves on the side.
I was asked a few weeks ago to be a guest speaker
at her benefit. You know me, give me a microphone and
an audience, and I am there!
I did my speech to all these people gathered for the love
of one little girl. I was overwhelmed to be a part of all
of this.  Mac was quite sick that day, all she could do
is sit in an air-conditioned car as she had just been
discharged from Children's. After I spoke, I went into the
car to see a very sick little girl who was not smiling
much that day. I told her she and I had the same type
of cancer and I was coming play at her house one
day soon. Her face lit up and asked, "When?"
Since then I have had the calling that my lovely Ms Beasley
had to go to Mac. I made her a journal and wrote the
whole story in a handmade journal I made her.
I checked with all my sisters and all her so 
sensitive and supportive about it.
My decision was made. I tole Bean a little about Mac
without making her sad because for a three year old,
she is so emotional about sad things.
Just told her Ms. Beasley was going live for 
a little while with a little girl who needed her more than
us right now. That when she was not needed anymore,
she would return her. That day Bean had a bracelet I had 
bought her a long time ago on. She had found it somewhere,
she said, "Mumsie, I have a great idea, lets put this
bracelet on Ms. Beasley before she goes. I thought
that was a great idea. 

 She placed it on herself and I was stunned when I read
what the bracelet said:
HOPE on one side MIRACLE on the other.
OMG! this child cannot read and yet something inside
of her knew this bracelet needed to go to Mak.
She then put Ms. beasley in her car seat and there she
stayed until yesterday.
Now would be the time for kleenex if you have not needed it yet.
Yesterday I make plans to visit with Mak and her Dad
in Vacherie as she is with her Daddy that day.
I walk in to see a very happy little girl that day.
She had had blood the day before and chemo.
so the poisons had not yet made her tired yet.
Perfect day. I ask if I can read her the story of 
my Ms. Beasley while her daddy stayed with us.
Her great grandmother was there also. As I read
the 4 page story, she held Ms. Beasley tightly and listened
intently. Her dad, sitting next to me, I could hear crying a bit.
Mak just listened to every word I said and loved on our
doll. When I finished, she asked if she could
speak with me alone.
She asked the most personal questions that will always be between 
she and I. She asked "What if I forget you?" 
I promised I would be a part of her life forever,
because I wanted to see her grow into the special young woman
she was becoming. This chid will be special, she will have the 
gift of gab as I do and I just know she ail reach out to 
others as I do. We bonded right away.
If I ever had the doubt as to whether I did the right thing by
passing on Ms. Beasley, I do not now.
Her Mother was on her way to pick her up
but I was not able to stay longer than the few hours I did.
So on my way home, I got a text from her Mommy 
thanking me so much, saying she does not know
what she has done for their daughter by this gift 
of the doll and a friendship Mak just would not stop speaking
of. I get home feeling very happy and content with my decisions.
I pull up at home and her Mommy had sent me this picture:
Her chemotherapy finally kicked in.
Those damned poisons it takes to save our Mak.
She fell asleep in the back seat with Ms. Beasley 
tucked tightly into her arms.
I cry. I will miss Ms. Beasley but if I never
get her back, I know she is where she is supposed 
to be.
Love to all!


  1. You are the very best, Mumsie! So sweet! Love you for all that you are!

  2. Love straight from the heart cannot be forgotten.... I have no doubt that you and Mrs. Beasley will be a big part of Mak's life. I know Mrs. Beasley will not fail her. She will be there to hear all her worries, and keep all of her secrets. Love this story and you. Maybe one day I will share my Mrs. Beasley story with you. Looking forward to hearing about your friendship growing with Mak, and the ongoing stories of Mrs. Beasley. I am so glad that she is alive again in the heart of another little girl who needs her so much. :)

  3. Awesome blog!!!
    Praying for Mak and her family!!!

  4. Beautiful! So touching!

  5. You have brought that child a MIRACLE and that family HOPE! Love you Lil, it's all we strive for in this life!!! To be someone's light........
