After such a great summer and fall,
I had myself believing pain was probably
a part of my past.... hahahaha
winter is here, feel it in my bones.
Makes it hard to rest easy but other things
are also causing that.
Mr. Big, soon to move back home to Georgia
as his work here is coming to an end.
The house is still not sold and I am so, so wanting
to have my own place, to make it a home,
where boxes are not packed in every free space
I can find. Bean was here the other day asking
"Mumsie, where is all your little toys at?"
Meaning my miniature collection.
Packed my dear.
Even with these negatives, there are so many
awesome good things.
Two new great nieces born a few weeks apart.
More babies to love.
That can always get me going to a good place.
Mr. Big and I are beginning to pull away a tad
from each other so when he makes the transition to
Georgia for good, it will be easier for us both.
We have had a long conversation about
what we want and I know I don't want
a long distance relationship and I have
protected part of my heart as he has.
We will always be friends, good friends,
but when Georgia calls him home we will be
just that. We both also know though
that we can be happy, be loved, be treated
and spoiled by another and for that
I am grateful.
Praying for you, Lil!