Back from cruising and it was a success!
My first and the treatment you get for the money you
pay is fantastic. The three ports we stopped at were good
shopping, I was sick only one day
(No, I did not drink the water)
I am so glad I went with my Tiffy/BeDa and TEdi-girl.
First port was the best as TEdi hung with I and her Mom
and after shopping in the rain, we met her friends
and other peeps from the bayou, mostly parents
of her friends at Fat Tuesday bar and danced, danced, danced.
Danced in the rain, showed others what our Bayou has,
lots of fun! I was impressed with Tedi-girl and her friends,
who did not only not mind hanging with us,
but danced with us all. One beer is all I had, most fun
I had had in a little while.
Tiffy/BeDa and I had massages, I swear, could have done
that every day had it not been expensive.
Still worth every penny!
AS much fun as it all was, I was ready to come home to my little
cottage, finish unpacking and making it mine.
Yesterday, I unpacked the very last box....
Today I go to pick up Nee, and B to spend two nights
at the cottage along with Bean coming for the ride
and the sleepover tonight.
Time for fun with the kiddo's...
Finally on Friday, time to spend some adult time with
my pal, D.Paul, have been dating for a few months now
and we have sooo much in common.
Have missed him too.
Enough of catch up..
Tomorrow will start meaningful blogs..
or maybe after the little ones go home.
thanks for following even if I have been incognito lately...
So happy for you!!!