
Friday, September 18, 2015


When Mom hit her 80's before the
St.Joseph Manor years,
before we understood just how bad her
dementia had gotten,
she made a statement to us kids one birthday.
"It's not fun to get old, all you friends, family
are dying and you are happy to still be here
but it makes you want to not make friends"
A few years later, I went to visit her at her
little studio apartment, she was in her PJ's and
clearly depressed. This was when we learned she 
would need another living option if we wanted
to keep her with us for longer.
Yet, even when she went to the Manor,
her dementia somewhat protected her from the
loss of friends and family, to the point that unless it was 
immediate fly, we didn't tell her,
She even forgot sometimes that my brother Larry
was dead. Often while at the Manor
she would comment
"i'm not making friends because they just going to die"
All of this leads me to this blog.
Yesterday we lost a cousin who has been fighting cancer.
We also lost a well known hair dresser who everyone
knew on the bayou.
It seems like each week we are loosing someone we
love or one of us siblings knew well.
Younger and younger, our family, our friends are passing away.
I now understand what Mom meant when she felt like it
was easier just to be a loner.
I could never be a loner, I like people and talking too much.
I aslo am a believer in my Big Man and the world
he promises for after this temporary life.
However, loosing people you knew,
who made parts of your past, who you love,
is hard. 
RIP Laura Lee, my cousin.
RIP "Crazy Eddie" one who all below intracoastal knew
and loved.                                                                     


  1. Lily,
    I am so sorry to hear about Laura. Do you know of any funeral arrangements?

  2. not yet, Lydia will post when i know.
