Most of my peeps know that gypsy baby has come to
spend at least the summer at the cottage.
Needed a fresh start and although she was like,
"Lord, Mom I am 27, having to move back with my Mom"
I reminded her,
"Wherever your Momma is, is home, you can always come home"
and that she did, it has been almost a month and i think
last night made three nights she actually slept here,
but having a place to call yours, a place where
a bed and pillow is always awaiting your arrival is
all a gypsy baby needs.
Of course, her Dad would say the same thing,
she is always welcomed there as well
but her and I have lots in common.
So last night, for whatever reason,
I was thinking of that, how wherever your parents
are, no matter how old you are, where they live,
that is your home.
I went back in my memory to a time when Baby Boy was
a mere 18 years old. He had moved out on his 18th bday
because could not live by our rules.
Since then, we had moved to Thibodaux and
once he went into rehab. came out to live with us
in the apartment we were living in at the time.
We told him the same thing, where your parents
are you are welcomed if you can follow the rules.
During this time we decided to buy a home in Thibodaux
which would take Baby boy off the sleeper sofa he had been
living on at the apartment to having his own room once again.
As we were moving, we were all a tad happy to get out the
apartment, well I and the kiddo's, Ron always like apartment living,
On one of the moving days, I watched as BB put his things up on the
walls into his drawers, things we had put in storage coming
out to be with him. He followed me outside that day.
Thanked me for giving him a place to stay.
Then in a shy voice asked, "How long can I stay"
Liked to knock me off my feet, I had to hold
back tears as I said to him same thing I told gypsy a
few weeks ago.
"Baby, as long as you are sober you can stay until you die"
Meant it then and I mean it now.
The thought that he felt there may be a limit to how long
he could be there saddened me.
Of course after about a year, he had had enough of us all
and bought his first home as soon as he graduated from
college. So to all you adult children out there,
Where ever your parents are, you are home.....