
Friday, June 17, 2016

Happy Fathers Day, Daddy!

Happy Fathers Day to the best Daddy for me!
When you write a blog for as many years as I have,
its hard to remember what I said before but its
Fathers Day and the love for this man, 
the first man I ever loved is worth repeating over and over.
Family dynamics, Born to my parents at the ages of
43 (mom) and 45(dad) I was their baby.
My nieces and nephews started coming not long after
I was born and my Dad loved us all but
had his own way and it was not the traditional,
"I love you" 
It was when his baby daughter at 5, had cancer, he rarely 
left the hospital. Back in those days it was child wards and
for whatever reason it was many children in one big 
room with curtains separating us. Parents were not allowed to
spend the night with their children. in todays world
this seems unreal that a sick child would not have
her parents with them but that is how it was.
My Dad would tell the nurse,
"I'm not leaving, I will wait in that lobby but I'm not
When lights out would come he would tell me
"As soon as I can I am coming back but I'll be in lobby"
To try and sleep hearing babies cry for their parents
made me so appreciative that my Dad was there.
I am sure there were many nights he or my Mom
did not just comfort their own child.
Then there was the meals he cooked us,
you put in your order before school and it was
ready when we got home. Mom worked, Dad
stayed home and cooked.  His homemade buns could be 
smelled when I got off the bus. If I was sick
he always went a bought me a surprise,
a color book and colors, comic books...
and there was the one time when I was a teen.
Mom was at one of the older sisters houses
and I came down with a virus. Dad rarely came upstairs
but that night he heard me come downstairs to
the bathroom to barf and followed me up
to my room, he sat and held my hand,
wiped my head,  stayed with me all night.
These are the things that made me feel loved.
Towards the end of his life he was a cranky, old man
and yet, with us kids he loved making us laugh.
My Dad died when I was a mere 21 years old
and yet, I was blessed to have him for that long.
After growing up in a hospital, I had always wanted to be a nurse.
He saw me achieve this feat and his job was done.
I love you, you old cranky funny man,
Happy Fathers Day!

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