If you read my blog you know I not
only voted for our President Obama
but have been a supporter of his.
Do I like everything he says, does, or stands for?
Nope, does he irritate me sometimes and I
think, "Why did you say that, dummy?" yes.
However, as a young girl I was taught by my parents
and the teachers who blessed me with their knowledge
we have freedom of speech here in America
but respect of a President and the officials
who win the election is the only way we will move
forward in our rolls for a better life for ourselves
and the future of our children, our country.
Therefore I listened intently as he made his
speech to the thousands gathered at the
Arizona memorial and I am proud this morning
to say he is our President.
He did not call the gunman a mentally unstable kid
he called him a "violent man"
One point for Obama.
"... The moment should prompt Americans
to step back and reflect on how they lead their
own lives and how they deal with one another."
Two points for Obama.
Then he spoke much of those who had died,
gave background on each of their lives.
Did not trivialize anything of what their purpose
was in the world.
He ended his speech with thoughts of Christina Green.
"... She saw all through the eyes of a child, undimmed
by cynicism, or that which we adults sometimes take
for granted. I want us to live up to her expectations,
I want our democracy to be as good as she imagined it."
I don't know a lot about politics, I don't care to.
But I do know this.
I want to believe in the American way and the
fact that because of my freedoms I can post
this blog, I can say how I feel.
I stand behind whatever man or woman we call
President whether they were my vote or not.
For Christina Green,
I will be a better citizen, I will be kinder to my fellow man,
I will try and treat all with the respect each and everyone
of us deserve just because we were born in this wonderful country.
It is the only way our country will move forward.
Peace is my prayer.
Amen ... Remember your free speech is protected by the Constitution, the entire Constitution. I didn't vote for the President, but I totally agree with you that he deserves the respect of the office. Great point. In 2 years I will have the opportunity to vote for my choice for President again and I will do so thanks to the sacrafices of many.