
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First full vacation day

Blogging from my iPad so the format may be a little different.
I am in heaven!! As a cabin in the mountains with HOBL and the pups is pretty darn good.
The weather was nasty today and HOBL had decided he was staying in the cabin today
To rest from the loooonnnnggggg drive which left me to do what I love to do, spend time
With myself, to stop at every little hole in the wall store, to watch the people, to get my bearings
On this new adventurous place. I stopped at a few antique stores today and booked
Us a dinner theater for tomorrow night. So excited about that as I have been once before and loved it.
I am also excited about tomorrow to go,to the titanic adventure place. I have always been curious
And interested in the whole titanic story somthismis right up my alley. HOBL cooked us steaks on the pit for lunch and
I was on my way. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful but whether it is or not, not
Going to stop me from making the most out of this week in Tennessee.