Last night I did go to St. Genevieve church to
view the relic of Mary Magdalen.
I wasn't going to, her time of arrival had been
pushed back to 6:00 pm and thousands were
expected to be there.
Yet, I went anyway,
just thinking that this once-in-a-lifetime event
never to have happened before was
within walking distance of my home,
well I just couldn't miss it.
I arrived at church at 6:00 pm
and was lucky enough to squeeze into a pew
to begin the wait.
The priest who made the trek with MM
gave us a brief talk
reminding us that never has a relic such as this
has ever toured the United States and especially
not to "wherever he is"
He gave a brief history of exactly who MM was thought
to be, a prostitute who was forgiven and befriended
by Jesus Christ.
She was there when he was nailed to the cross,
bending down on the right leg,
the shin bone that we were to view tonight.
She was believed to be the first to witness
the resurrection of Jesus.
He also reminded us that we can choose to believe
or choose not to, that there is much history
he has studied to prove this but
he was not here to argue his point but
to allow MM to do what she does best,
bring peace to people.
He explained that MM was just a regular human
just like us all who chose to change her life
and become hope to others.
This relic was not thought to bring
miraculous healing or miracles but
to bring hope, prayer, faith to many.
She has done that by her travels
she is here to relieve burdens of many
and she brings giggles to others.
She reminds us to laugh, to giggle.
Many people were holding rosaries, prayer cards,
cloths, flowers, all for the simple act
of rubbing on the glass that encases this relic.
The traveling priest explained that these things,
can now become our own relic.
I always have a rosary in my purse,
given to me by my friend, Sarah Day,
from Rome blessed by the Pope.
I take out my rosary so as to be able to say
it touched the relic of MM.
The procession begins and at about 8:00 pm
I get my chance.
A very small darkened bone enclosed in
a rounded glass casing....
I hold my rosary up to the enclosure,
thank her for being here.
I thank the priest for bringing her to us.
I am not moved, I don't feel differently by this act.
I turn to leave and this is where I am moved.
The church is once again packed, shoulder to shoulder,
with people awaiting the second round of viewing.
I walk outside and there are thousands of people lined
up to enter our little church of
St. Genevieve to be part of the peace
this relic seems to bring wherever she goes.
This moves me to tears.
That with all the pain, wars, killings,
crimes, starvation, suffering in the world,
these people, myself have come out
to pray in mutual belief that we can
do our part to make the world a better place.
I am glad to have done this.
I slept last night the best I have in weeks,
I awakened this morning with no back pain
probably but I choose to believe that
my sacrifice has brought me freedom from pain
for one night.
Thank You MM
hope you enjoyed your Thibodaux visit.
I wish you could have had Ronald with you.... he needs some "movement" every now and then.. I think MM is abiding by your mission statement by touring the country. Good Story.