Okay, so I like the the song in the title
and I love this picture...
Yet, my words today are about growing up way, way,
too quick.
On Saturday I went to Thibodauxville
and while there ran into many students from my school.
One such 4th grader and her Mom
were spending the day and one of
my 4th grade boy students and his mom
were also with them.
I hugged all and then asked what they
were doing.
Mom of said boy tells me that this little girl
is her son's girlfriend so they are spending
the day at Thibodauxville, a little "date".
I like to fall on the cement.
I jokingly tell the children they are
too young for that!!!
Yet it bothers me.
It bothers me that parents support this
type of behavior at such a young age.
They grow up so fast without the
encouragement of parents
and dating and boyfriends, well
it will come soon enough.
I don't know, call me old-fashioned
and yes, you probably hear this all the time,
but in 4th grade I didn't even think of boys.
I was too busy playing,
playing with my barbies,
drawing pictures of homes I wished to have one day,
loving my little nieces and nephews...
For me, this is not cute,
I guess because now being the mother
of two grown children,
if I could go back,
I would be selfish with time spent with my children.
I was the kind of mother
that did many fun things with Rod and Jes,
I was the type of Mom who went outside and played,
I was the one who went to picnics and parks
with my kids.
Yet, it passed way too fast.
There were too many times that I settled
with friends over so I could have time to myself.
I pray my children have enough childhood memories
to last them,
to remember that we did have lots of fun.
However, just like time does,
I wonder, do I have enough memories?
I have no regrets,
but if I could go back,
I would be more selfish and make them
spend time with me more.
When asked to play,
I would say yes more and be aggravated less.
I would treasure the times that I had,
when I and their Dad was their sole-decision maker.
When I had full reign of planning their days,
When I could have made their days
whatever I wanted it to be.
So my friends,
discourage "dating"
tell them they are too young for it.
Stand up to the parents who think this is cute
even when you wonder if something is wrong with you,
Keep them young and young at heart for as long as you can.
Spend less money and more time on you children.
I often say there are true cases of attention deficit
but there are many cases of
deficit of attention.
I see it all the time in the world,
at my school.
When the world is full of middle school children
who are pregnant well,
do we need to encourage,
I think not!
Just my opinion, of course,
who am I to tell people how to raise their children?
No one of course,
except old aunt LIL who
loves all of you and your offspring,
who has just a little experience and knowledge.
To share my thought with you,
Have a good Thanksgiving!
I agree 100% Lil. By the way, who is the kid in the picture? Can't tell with the hat on.