My sister Veronica is "crazy in love"
with her grandkids.
You know those grandmothers that profess that they
now belong to the stupid club.
It makes me wonder what kind of grandmother I will be.
I mean I already love all kids and when
it comes to my great nieces and nephews,
just being around them makes me happy.
This Easter my sis, better known to her
third generation as "Granny"
bought her grandkids a trampoline for Easter
to be left in her yard,
I think she figures,
"Give them the trampoline and they will come"
Well they all came and jumped...
On Easter Sunday.
It was a beautiful day, perfect for trampoline jumping.
So here is Granny's brood.
There is Tedi the oldest grandchild.
She is also my godchild and growing up way too fast.
She is now an official Golden Meadow Middle school
cheerleader so the trampoline will come in handy
when practicing her jumps.
Tedi is a sweetheart who is growing up to be
the calmest, head on straight child.
Sometimes I give her a hard time about things
yet she is never disrespectful and never talks back to me.
She knows and understands it's because I love her.
I never doubt that this child will make the right decisions
in the end. Love, love, love her!
Oh, then there is Hugh John the second oldest and the
first grandson. Hughby as he is called by his three siblings
has grown to be the kind of kid you like having around.
He is witty and loves resturaunts, how can you not love him.
He is smart and loves learning.
Loves his Aunt Lil and is always asking when he
can come to my house and what will we do when
he does come.
Ellie-pie is the baby of the gang.
Can't see her cute face here as she was focusing
on her Momma's jumping skills.
But she is a blue eyed beauty but don't
let her cuteness fool you, she is the one you must
watch CONSTANTLY. She keeps all on their toes,
just like the baby should.
Angelique stands in the background.
This child was just dying to wear that bathing suit she
got for Easter. Nothing anyone said would get her to
change her mind. So she jumped with her suit on.
If you want a good story, talk to Ange' she always has one
to tell. She is beautiful with her thick cajun accent.
She loves her Aunt Lil but not anymore than she loves
any of her Auntie's. I do believe she loves
her Aunt C more than me but the words will
never come out her mouth.
Dominique who we all call NeeNee is the purple girl
in these photos. She is Ange's sister and also one of
my godchildren. She loves her Nannie and so does her
Nannie love her. Nee isn't crazy about outside but
on this day she took advantage of jumping with
the cousins and I do believe this jumping apparatus
is good for her.
Sunday she makes her communion
so you know there will be more about her on after that
big occasion.
She sometimes just doesn't understand why the world
doesn't bend to do what she wants.
Huh, don't we all wish the world did that.
Neenee still has a lot to learn about the world.
Her nannie is her soft spot...
Owen, Owen, Owen....
I love me some Owen.
He always has a hug and smile for his Aunt Lil.
It wasn't always that way but ever since he spent
a weekend at my house last summer he and I have had
a change in our relationship.
When he hugs me I always have to close my eyes
and hug tight, tight.
His parents say to watch out,
as he hugs he is probably also plotting an attack.
I disagree each time but they probably do know
him better than I do.
The stories that follow his name are always funny to me
but I can see where he would be a challenge to his parents.
Thankfully, I just have to love him.
Last but not least, is the Diva, Lucy.
The second child in the Plaisance kids.
Beautiful, graceful but not afraid to get her hands dirty.
Just as happy to be with everyone as she is to be alone
watching TV. Sometimes bossy but only because
she knows who she is already and you best just accept it.
So what if she knows what everyone should be doing
and lets them know it.
I love her.
On this Easter Sunday, I found her laying
in Granny and Pop's bed all alone watching TV.
I couldn't help but jump in that bed for
quality time with her.
So we talked about dancing and spongebob.
We played "DON'T MOVE"
a game I play with them that they have to stay perfectly
still without laughing or moving as I run my
finger lightly across their faces until
it ends by tickling the inside of their ear.
Lucy loves this game, has always loved it
since she was a little bitty girl.
Soon the bed is crowded with other
kids, Ange' and Hugh and our time
together is over.
I leave them there playing with Granny's
electric bed.
So what if they break it?
I am just their Aunt Lil, I am not there to fuss
Ahhhhh, the pleasures of being the Auntie Lil...