Should I start with the positive or negative?
Let me get the negative out so I can end on a positive note.
Ugh I hate holiday traffic.
Just to get to Walmart last night and get home...
An hour.... I am not kidding you, HOBL needed a hunting license
and I needed very few groceries but an hour.
I hate that when you go to a store that you might
be moving along, walking going forward then
all of a sudden two people will just stop and start
a conversation. Yes, I am guilty for my store conversations
but there is a place to have them and you
must move over out of the walking traffic.
The rudeness of people to the cashiers at places.
Last night, I swear (if I did swear ;^)
this poor lady who had a line as long as a mile
waiting to be checked out near the back Christmas check-out line,
was basically chewed up and spit out by these two people
who were angry because she could not answer a question
about a bike. I knew she wanted to cry.
As I was leaving I apologized for those rude people.
I told her I am sorry that she has to be abused like that
and that I know she doesn't get paid enough to be treated like that.
Then she did show those teary eyes and told me thank-you.
I swear ( again, maybe I do swear)
If it wasn't for this Ninja Turtle shell Dr. Donner
insist I wear I would have gone and find that couple and
told them the proper way to treat people
but I may have been a little scared because one of
them smelled like the Jackson Brewery and either could
have kicked my ever-living you know what, so we left.
I can't stand how people bribe their poor
little children to sit on Santa's lap when they are
clearly terrified, like screaming and clawing to
get off those lame Santa's.
Why do people do this to their babies?
I swear (again?!) that some of these children will be
scarred for their lives over this.
Okay enough negativity....
What do I love?
I am a people watcher.
I love to just sit down in the mall and
watch people pass.
The happiness of the children on their best behavior
because they believe that Christmas song about
making the list and they all want to be on the good list.
I love waiting in the long check out lines if the waiting
consists of children waiting behind me.
Last night a man and his young son had a basket
of Christmas lights and decorations in their basket
and the daddy was telling his child,
"Now you know we have a full day tomorrow,
we have lights to put up..." He was just going through
the whole itinerary with the little boy of about 8 and
the child was so serious and listening intently
and I could tell that he wasn't going to sleep much because
he knew tomorrow was a day with his daddy and he
was needed.
I love that aside from very few people like the ones
we encountered at Walmart last night,
people are genuinely very kind to each other,
strangers will stop to wish a happy holiday to others,
people will hold doors for others
share coupons with pure strangers.....
Well I do that, don't know if all do.
I always make it a point to print like
3 or 4 Hobby Lobby 40% off coupons before going there.
Then I just hand the extras out at the check-out line.
I tell you, people look at you with pure love in their eyes
when you do this. Try it, it is actually quite fun.
and what I really love, is that same Santa that some
kids scream over, some love.
I love to see the line of children who really do
want to speak with Santa or his helper whoever
those men are in the malls.
Their eyes light up, they sit and hug and
tell Santa all their wishes.
I can sit there all day and watch those children.
I am so excited about the next few Christmases
when our Jilly-bean is here and all the magic
of the season lives in her little heart for many years.
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