In my world, the devil exists.
I have conversations with others often about how I believe
and often find myself trying to explain why I believe in God
with all the tragedy in the world.
Well, I believe in my God because I know the devil exists and
I know that God and the belief in him, conquers all.
I also often say the devil is not the little red man with a pitch fork
that we picture in our mind. In my world he exists
in childhood cancer,
Heck he exists in all cancers,
He exists in the disease of ALS
and he exists in drug addiction. He exists in chronic pain sufferers.
Okay, so people question me, If your God exists and he is
soooo perfect and all knowing and can fix anything,
why does he allow the devil into our lives,
why doesn't he just cast the devil out like he did when he
threw him out of heaven?
Of course, I won't have the real answer until I face him in Heaven,
but I can tell you that in my world, I have my beliefs.
The devil, that devil he laughs as he comes into our comfortable,
magical lives and throws his weight around.
Why does he pick certain people, well he hates those who
believe and worship God.
Why does God allow it? I do believe that God has the power
to fix anything but I also believe that sometimes he allows
the devil to cast his poison because there is someone who
needs to find God and it is sometimes not possible until tragedy
finds them. You see, my God knows that in our world,
even if it looks like the devil wins God knows that Heaven
is the ultimate reward and even if the devil takes us from
this world, God always wins because Heaven is not a punishment.
It is the wonder that we should all seek.
So as the devil laughs at our tragedies thinking that
he will win us and our families, a strange thing happens.
We begin to praise God again, to find Him
to believe in Him. The devil may believe he is winning
but God knows that in the end, He will take us to
Heaven. Well, some ask, why would God take someone
who had never lost their way with God be punished?
I do not believe God looks at it as punishment but he
allows certain people to be afflicted because he knows
these such people are not only strong enough to handle
it but will make good of it. Sometimes the cross we bear
is not even about us but about someone else who has
strayed and because of watching the afflicted, they
find their God once again.
What brings me to this blog today?
I am pissed, pissed at the devil
This morning I am most mad at the ALS devil!
Yes he has my friend, Gina B. hanging on that cross
and suffering for us all. Yet she never looses her God
and that is what causes this blog....
I read a sign over the weekend:
Yes as ALS sufferers carry the burden of this cross,
as drug addicts and cancer victims try and find health
as well as peace,
as chronic pain suffers play the physical and mental game
that exists with this condition, they carry
the cross for others to see.
They carry it for those who may not be strong enough
to carry it for themselves.
However the devil never wins.
When God allows the devil in he knows that he will
never win because if even the worst in the mortal world
happens and death is the end of the cross carrying,
He is calling us to His home, Heaven.
What will he say when those fighters get there,
I don't know but I hope he says something to the effect,
"You have done good, my child, now Rest in my home"
I had a Miss Beasley doll when I was little. I feel OLD!!!