
Monday, November 30, 2009

back to work

Yes, call me crazy.
I am ready to go back to work.
A week off was a good little break
to get me ready for the next three weeks
until Christmas holidays.
Haven't had a chance yet to go through
all the pictures I scanned at Veronica's house
on Thanksgiving day
but I have some good ammunition
against some of you out there....
Tedi and I hit the
black Friday shopping world
on Friday but thankfully
we only went to Houma because
by 12 I had had enough but did
manage to buy me a tree for my
mantel for so, so cheap.
Will post pictures eventually.
Yes, I have been lax but beginning today
I will be back out here entertaining
you who still read, critique,
this blog.
Happy Monday to all!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't call it critiquing... I would call it ensuring grammatical correctness.
