
Friday, July 27, 2012

Bean today

No, not as in the eating type.... Bean, although getting better, her parents decided it best to leave her out of daycare for the week. She's so lucky to have these parentals. Maw maw cathy had her yesterday and today is mumsie and pappy's day. It's amazing how close bean and hobl have become in the short time we have been there. Absolutely adores him now, will give him kisses now without the big sigh of relief when it's over that she used to do. He won't ever be the pappy that gets on the floor and plays but he will always be the pappy that makes up cute songs to make her laugh, who puts on mumsies clothes to make her laugh, he will always be good for a toy at any store she accompanies him too. Every little child deserves grandparents that each give something different to her. She's so lucky... We are so lucky today! A whole day with the bean.

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