
Friday, March 13, 2015

Bean is Four!!!

I know!!!! 
Already four!!!
My heart is so full today.
My very first grand baby is four!
Let me say a few words about this child.
She is unique.
I know some will say she is mine of course
I would think that but she really is different.
She has this undying love and nurturing for 
her baby sister.
Cannot pass near her without kissing her.
There are mornings when she hears Jbelle awake.
She does not go and let her Mommy know,
she jumps in the crib and plays with her sister
until they awake or fall back asleep.
She is high strung, little things that
don't go her way can throw her for  a loop
but she is easily brought back if you
use grown up words to explain to her
things. Well, sometimes.....
sometimes she lands in time out.
She has a deep, deep understanding of family.
Loves cousins, mommy's daddys
and babies....
oh my how she loves babies! 
Real ones and fake ones.
She loves books and to be read to.
In that way she is a  lot like me.
Yesterday I picked her up at school because
her Mommy was tied up getting her new car
and what did she want to do?
Have me rock her and read her some books,
oh a girl after my own heart.
WE love her sooo much.
However, she can argue her point to
where you think she is right.
Her beauty is something to behold and
she takes pride in that...
God knew what he was doing when he gave this 
child to her Mommy and Daddy.
Kuddo's to them. To see them with her,
rarely loosing their temper when she is high strung,
just putting her in time out and 
taking something away she loves, like her iPad.
Two children, her and tuts, so different,
but both nothing we would change for anything.
This child made me a Mumsie,
she came to me at one of the worst times of my life,
I probably spent more time with her that was healthy at
the time but she was my life line.
I will forever be grateful for my son and his wonderful wife
for allowing me to be such a big part in their lives.
Happy Birthday, sweet Jilly Bean.
NO words can say how much you mean to us all!!!

Geeze, how did we get so darn lucky,
see you this afternoon, Chucky Cheese!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Beautiful Jilly Bean!!! ��
