
Friday, May 17, 2013

Going back to the place I once called HOME

The pups needed yearly vet checks, 
I needed a new hairdo and highlights.
I made sure to leave a gap of free time there.
I felt the need to go back to a place I once
felt at home.
I visited Thibodaux Elementary School.

It was good medicine!
So many of my dear friends were there and there
were many hugs and "I miss you"
Of course, it reminded me of a better time in my life,
when things were stable, my pain was controllable
and My Mommy was still with us.
I know now I need to visit often, even possibly spend
time volunteering there as it was evident that I 
need to give back to kids in some way, in more ways
than just teaching religion and doing testimony speeches
to others. I want to go there and play, I want to go 
there to visit with old friend, but most of all, I want to go there
to spend time with the children.
I can't mention names and I can't really show pictures of 
the children here but so many still remembered me,
"Nurse Lilly! Nurse Lilly!"
"Are you coming back as our school nurse?"
Many hugs, getting hugs from these children fills 
a place in my heart with so many happy moments.
I leave after two hours and visiting with as many of the
old staff as I could.
The best compliment came from my former principle/boss.
She hugged me with all four feet of her and
expressed just how much I am missed.
She explained how it was not just my nursing skills 
but it was for my happy, bubbly personality, my singing,
my love for the children that is so missed.
I thought it would be hard for me to go there,
it was not. It made me happy, made my day.


  1. You are loved by so many people! Praying for your comfort and peace!

  2. We really enjoyed your visit!! Tay and I promise to come see you this summer!! Love you!
