
Monday, July 25, 2011

I broke my favorite coffee mug.

Yes, I was washing the counter and there it was
right by my elbow and as I hit it, tumbling down it went.
I've had it for some time, I get close to my coffee mugs.
I said a few choice words as I cleaned it up
but then kind of forgot about it until this morning
when it was time to drink the morning java.
I looked for it and then the memory came to me.
Oh, my to have to find another cup that can take it's place.
Baby boy and I used to be alike in this favorite cup thing.
Once on a vacation I searched the stores looking for the
perfect coffee mug for BB only to find it and the
first time he used it, his pups knocked it from his truck
and he was so upset. Called me to complain about it.
So this morning, the coffee just doesn't taste the same
without my old faithful cup.
Everyone in the home knew that was my cup and
if you used it, I would not be happy.
Will have some trouble replacing it.
RIP old coffee mug, it will be hard to replace you!!


  1. Do you grind your own coffee? Do you try different types? Or do you stick to your favorite and go aobut your day? I drink Community "Cafe Special" and I love it. But recently, my lovely wife, bought a grinder and purchased some "Columbian Supremo" beans.... we ground them up and had the best few pots of coffee known to mankind... brought back NLU memories b/c that's where we first came across "columbian supremo" and don't ask any questions on why we shared coffee in the morning at NLU!

  2. no friend, no time for that here! Too busy with all these great nieces, nephews and now grandbaby for grinding coffee but it does not surprise me that your wife would do this, right up her alley... No questions asked back in my day with HOBL, it wasn't a cup of coffee we shared in the morning but I am not commenting on that either.

  3. yeah but you need to check out the little grinders... fits in your hand and check at your grocer because they all sell the whole beans too. Easy - peasey .
