
Sunday, June 13, 2010

vacation preparations reminds me of weddings

yeah I know this sounds strange but as I await
leaving for our vacation to Alaska this is what comes to mind.
All excited for weeks at the prospect of going
yet there is so much that can't be done until right before
you leave.
So, just like a wedding, all excited.
Then days before, so much to do and worry about.
As the day approaches stress begins to set in
with all that has to be done
because you want it all to be perfect and
you don't want to forget anything.
Yet I am realizing that once you are in the air
or on the altar, it really doesn't matter what
you forgot or what goes wrong
because it is what it is and it'll be fine
and no one else will ever know that it was not perfect but you.
So today as I finish up preparations to fly
far, far away I refuse to be stressed.
Like, really, what good does it do when I could
pack everything, forget nothing
and luggage could be lost and find myself with nothing?
Just not going to stress, not going to stress, not going to stress...


  1. So who's got the dogs? Your new bud from the Rousse's meat section?

  2. nope the vet's kennel service... unless you want them for 10 days bfob
