
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

life cycle of a catholic worm

There is a reason why I sit in one of the front aisles
when I go to church.
It isn't for the reason you may believe.
I have to sit in the front everywhere I go
except the movies.
It is for the reason that my mind wonders.
Because I am a people person,
I can get interested on a family close to me
and totally watch them for the whole hour
and not even know what the homily was about.
It has always been my way.
I can loose tract of speech if my mind wonders.
The reason for this post is that last week
even though I was sitting in front at church,
I noticed a little bitty worm at my feet.
I wondered on that cold morning how the heck
did that little worm who was moving so slow
get under the pew of where I am sitting.
I wondered, "Did he come on someones' clothing
or did he make the whole voyage on his own?"
At the pace he was traveling it would have taken
him days to get where he was.
I continue to ignore the words of the priest as
I watch the journey of this imp of a worm.
I wonder if wherever he comes from, did
someone miss him?
I watch as he slowly crawls from one ceramic tile
only to turn and go back the same way it came from.
I realize that he is just going in a circle over and over.
I wonder how will he eat in this church
that never has food.
After mass I wonder if I should take him out with me.
Put him in the yard but really, wouldn't
it be cold for him? If he had to be somewhere
wasn't the warmness of a church a good place to be?
Just as quick as my mind can become fixated on
these things, it can forget it.
As I leave church I don't think of my little worm...
Until the next day when the first thing I look for
is the worm. There where he traveled is a dried up
piece of matter that I know is this worm.
I feel bad for a second then realize
that his little job was done.
What better place to spend the end of your days
than in a Catholic Church.
Yep, my mind does work like this...
Not sure why but it does.


  1. Number 1 ... you may be a stalker .. Number 2 .. Don't you know the worm mass is earlier in the morning ... in between the cat mass and turtle mass but before the bird mass... wouldn't want a bird that stayed behind to pray meet up with the worms coming into mass... I thought you knew that.

  2. I think the same way - but don't bother to sit in the front - I just let my mind wander...

  3. I think your condition may be called "ADD." You may want to look into that. I'm just saying....
