
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Malaina and Jean Lafitte

I bet that title had you guessing this morning!
Yesterday HOBL and I made arrangements to have his MRI
done in Thibodaux so we could meet Me-Me 
(What I call my sweet Malaina)
on her class trip to the Jean Lafitte tour in Thibby.
I was going to go anyway because this child
has called me and texted me at least 20 times
in regards to seeing me when she went on her class trip.
My me-me is pretty persistent.
I knew it was important to her so I was going to meet her
there come "hell or high water".
... and just as usual, 
I gained by being there just to see her face
when she saw us. Just to see her
leave her class line when her teacher told the class
to stay in line. Just to feel her little arms around
my neck like she had not seen me in years.
Well, it was all worth it.
She did the same thing when she saw HOBL.
She broke her arm over the weekend,
wanted me and HOBL to sign the cast
and, that was it...
It's all she wanted for us.
She didn't expect us to stay for the 
whole Jean Lafitte tour,
she didn't expect us to buy her anything.
All she wanted, all that was important to her was...
to see us.
That little Malaina always makes me feel so special to her.
Her next task, hitting me up to go to her 
school and teach her class something about scrapbooking... lol.
On May 15th she expects to see me again.
It's cajun day at her school.
I am put on some type of presentation on scrapbooking.
I have wracked my brain on how to draw those
two things together Cajuns and crafts.
I think I have the idea and she loves it!
She just thinks I am the most talented aunt Lil on earth.
I am so proud to be her Aunt.
She was one special little girl 

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