
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is it really the week of Christmas?

It is hard to believe that this is the week of Christmas.
I have been so out of touch of the season this year.
Yesterday I made a short walk in the mall
just to be part of the hustle of the holiday.
Felt like just sitting there and people watch but
passed on that.
It doesn't help that the HOBL and BB are
both working for the holiday.
Baby girl and I made plans for
Christmas Eve where I will attend mass
with Mumsie at the Manor and we then
will take her eat out and ride to see the lights.
So different from the Christmas Eve's of
when the babies were young.
The anticipation of Santa coming just
doesn't live here in the Riera home anymore
and when the Riera boys are working, it seems
like half of us are gone.
We will celebrate the Riera Christmas long after
the holidays are done since HOBL doesn't come home
until after it's all done.
What is the message to those who read who are
right now blessed with youngsters in the home?
Oh enjoy the magic of the season,
Enjoy every minute, all the worries of whether
Santa will get the orders right,
the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
The minutes you are stressing over right now
"will I get everything done"
"will the kids get and be happy with what they get"
"how will I do all that needs to be done by then"
will be the same minutes you will wish you could have back.
The magic of putting your babies to bed,
kiss and tuck them in, that they are so excited
about what Santa will bring,
it will be over so soon.
Yes, just a little "empty nest syndrome"
right now from auntie Lil.
Thanks to the big family I am from,
on Christmas day we will all meet at Sister V's
house with the Mumsie in tow and get to enjoy
the magic with some of the kids I adore.
Next year the magic begins again for us when
we will celebrate our first Christmas with Jilly bean.
I know next year at this time I will once again and
for the next few years be shopping for the perfect
gifts that will light up our Jilly's eyes.
I will once again see the magic of Santa in her eyes.
Lesson from Auntie Lil?
Don't rush this week, these moments, if you are blessed
with little ones in your home.
Kiss them good night, tuck them in tight,
tell them you love them and they are the best gifts
you have ever received.
Then if you are blessed enough to have a HOBL in your life,
enjoy a moment, just the two of you.
Thank the other for the gift of your children.
Wrap the presents, await the arrival of Santa...

1 comment:

  1. My Christmas is not going to be a happy one this year :(
