
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lane Hope chest

In reading Simple Abundance
I am reminded of a family tradition we once had in
the Collins home.
When a girl graduated we received a Lane Hope chest
from our parents.
I had not thought of my Hope chest in many years,
reminded today by a reading in SA.
Children today do not even know what a Hope chest is for.
It saddens me to realize that the tradition has died.
It was a source of excitement my senior year
knowing that I could choose my Lane Chest.
Dad didn't care which one I got or how much
it costed, we all got one.
I wanted one with a seat on the top so I began
looking at all Lane made until I found the
one that I loved.
It smelled cedar, all of the Lane chests were cedar.
It had the most awesome seat on the top.
When given to me at graduation I right away began
to fill it with those things that young girls at the time
were told needed to go into it.
Things like dish towel, dishes, bed linens.
I had fun filling the chest.
After marriage the chest was empty and I began
to fill mines with things that meant something to me.
Cards given to me from loved ones,
things I had written, my journals.
Then Hurricane Juan came and flooded our home.
The Lane chest was lost, my sister, Veronica lost hers too.
It was probably the one thing that I cried the most over loosing.
It was the last gift I think I had gotten from my daddy before
he died two years after giving me the gift.
I thought of trying to salvage it but that could not be.
The waters of Juan had taken that tradition with it.
Today I realize that the tradition has died not just in our
home but in the homes of most in Louisiana.
We now live in a world that if you need/want something
you can usually just buy it.
Most of today younger generation don't even
understand the concept of a HOPE chest.
What a great thing it would be if we brought this love
for a chest back alive.
I do believe Jillian will have a Hope chest when she graduates
from high school. Then I can help her fill it with all those
things she may one day need in her adult life.
When I go on my treasure adventures and spot a wooden box,
because I love wooden boxes, I always look for the Lane name
in them. Back in the day, the Lane company made small
versions of their cedar boxes to give to each who purchased
the full sized versions of a chest.
I have two engraved with the Lane name that I found on one of
those treasure hunts.
So you ladies reading this, or you daddy's:
speak to your daughters about Hope chests and what their
purpose and meaning once was.
HOPE one thing we can all use more of.


  1. Mumsie, that's so weird that you wrote about this. Just the other day my mom was telling me about the whole graduation gift of a Hope chest. She still has hers. Except my daddy got her one, she said that was his way of saying that they were going to marry one day(my parents have been together since the 7th grade, so there was never any question of whether they would marry or not ). & she explained everything that was suppose to go
    In there.....crazy!
    Ok just had to share that my mom was talking about this the other day. She was laughing how for her grad she got a hope chest & for my grad, I got a trip to cancun & an times have changed!! Lol
    Love ya :)

  2. Call me whatever, but could someone explain to me what is the purpose of a "hope" chest? How am I supposed to pass it on if I don't know what it is.

  3. ummm I just explained what it was for silly!!! talk to your mother in law she understands...

  4. I'm 23. It took me until today to find one, I've been looking since high school. The tradition isn't dead at all.
