
Monday, August 8, 2011

pup post

I am going to have to drop Jake off at the vet on my way
to work. Something is wrong with the oldest of the pups.
We know he has this liver shunt disease and he already
is way too skinny...
over the last few days he started with the "reverse sneeze"
type cough. Yesterday began vomiting and Just won't play.
Called the vet last night and is having me bring him in first thing
this AM.
Funny how these fuzzy creatures get into your heart.
I have worried about him all night,
had him sleep close to me.
A few times during the night he coughed and moaned.
He never growls but growled at Jude during the night.
Just doesn't want to be messed with.
If you believe in a "pet higher power"
please say a prayer for my lil pup.
I don't know what is wrong but I know my pups
and this is not normal!


  1. I can send you a Boston Terrier to take his place. No problem whatsoever.

  2. Jake, thankfully, is going to be okay. Some type of virus. They gave him two shots, watched him all day, he is much better this afternoon, he will need a special kind of food for his liver disease and we will do that if it means our oldest pup can be with us for longer. Ugh, we are so close to these darn pups!!!! Thanks for any prayers you have said for my pup.
