
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Presidential speech

Last night my first reaction to the Presidential speech
was, "Ugh I am not going to watch Glee"
I then realized this has been set in my body by my
daddy who hated Presidential speeches,
when I was little when the President came on,
he fussed in his Cajun french dialect
and I guess that my reaction came from that.
However, I then thought let me listen to what
our President has to say about the end to the war in Iraq.
I thought of all the families who have loved ones over
there or have lost loved ones on the soil.
I am sure they were not worrying about the shows they were missing
but glued to the TV to hear what Obama had to say.
I would be lying if I said I listened intently,
I was on the computer at the same time,
and Kd came to visit so our talks were about BABIES.
I did get the jest of the speech.
Our war is ending.....
Many out there will be able to criticize him for everything
from what he wore, to the size of his ears,
the the fact that he is black....
but to the children I know who's parents are in Iraq,
I know they probably went to bed last night with a smile on their faces.
To the little child who spoke to me at recess the other day
to tell me that his Dad was scheduled to come home the
day after Christmas if he stayed safe until then and
that they were not going to celebrate Christmas until his
Daddy was with them.
To these children who go home and hope that night will
be the night their Daddy or Mommy is on Skype so
they can say goodnight, this speech had a big
impact on the life that many of them have only known.
Thank you Obama for realizing that our war there is over,
it has been over a long time.


  1. My son and I are one of those families who are looking forward to "Daddy" coming home. My husband has been deployed since January and is due to come home in December. And yes, we cling to the computer every night hoping that Dad is able to get on Skype so we can have our nightly visit (don't know how we would have handled this deployment without Skype!). It has been a long year, and I have a whole new "appreciation" of single parents, but we are making it. I know Mr. Obama stressed that this is the end of the war, which is great. It just can't end soon enough for me! Thanks for letting me vent. It just angers me that all you hear on the news is that they are pulling all troops out, but my husband is still not home.

  2. Hopefully he will be home soon, we can never say thank you enough to you husband for serving our country. I meet soldiers in the airport all the time, and I remember having to leave family when I was in the military, but I didn't have to go to war like our troops are doing today, so I know how proud you must be of him. When I see a soldier I go out my way to speak and respect them, because it takes a special person to defend our country, my salute to him.
    God bless America and our Troops.

    Ron Riera

  3. Thanks Ingrien for sharing, yes, not only your husband but your whole family has served our country well. There are chidren at the school I work at who's parents are also serving and it changes a part of their innocence and makes them so much wiser... but they are all respectful wonderful chidren. As hard as it is for you and your children, It in the long run will give them a character of gratitude that many children just never "get"
    thank you for sharing your husband with all of us.
    My family is very grateful and we understand what the whole family has given. Soon he will be home and this time, I pray his feet never has to leave our soil again!
